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It had been a few weeks since their first date, and Stan and Kyle had been inseparable ever since in various ways. Not only did their time alone together help their feelings develop further, but it also rebuilt the friendship that started their love in the first place. 

Because it was Stan and Kyle, it was still awkward as fuck. They kissed just a little more, and said a few loving words out loud, but overall, it was basically like a middle school relationship. No one, even them, were surprised by this though because Stan and Kyle were different people, which made their relationship different than what people thought was "normal".

They were both more than satisfied with the state of their relationship though, not wanting to be completely together yet, in fear that it could mentally fuck with both of them. Although they both were in a better head-space than where they were a month or two ago, they had some things to deal with separately before they could be together.

Stan wouldn't admit it to anyone, not even Kenny, but he was ready. His medication was working for him, his therapy sessions were helping him move passed his father's death and abuse, and he went every week to AA - he felt ready to be with Kyle fully. But Kyle was still dealing with feelings of rejection, and abandonment, from his mother, so Stan never shared his feelings.

Despite Stan still being a tad worried about Kyle, he was the happiest he had ever been in his life. For once, he truly had a positive outlook for his and Kyle's future, and even his own future. Stan felt like he didn't need to lean on anyone to be happy, or for comfort now. He had grown, and overcame his alcoholism.

While Stan was feeling confident, happy and content, Kyle was not feeling the same way he was. Of course, he was happy that he finally had Stan, but his mother's disappointment still haunted him all night, and most of the day. He wanted to share his feelings with Stan, yet there was still that urge to hold back his feelings in words, and Kyle didn't know why.

Sitting in their art class together, Stan noticed how unusually quiet Kyle was, just staring at the blank sheet of paper in front of him. Looking down at his outlines for his new page of the comic book, Stan sighed, setting down his pencil. Softly and slowly, as to not scare Kyle, Stan wrapped his arms around his waist, pressing his face into Kyle's neck.

"Ky," Stan spoke softly after a moment of having no reaction. "I'm worried about you."

Seemingly just noticing Stan's affectionate hold, Kyle jumped, leaning his face on the top of Stan's head as he grabbed the arm that was wrapped around his stomach. "I'm okay.. I'm just thinking."

Now that Kyle was out of his trance, Stan sat up straight, pushing his messy hair off of his forehead and leaning into the back of his chair. "Baby, that's bullshit and you know it." Kyle blushed slightly at the pet name - he swore that he would never get used to Stan calling him that. "Please, talk to me."

"Okay, Stan." Kyle sighed, before turning to Stan, avoiding his patient stares. "I'm just still a little fucked up over my mom. I know I should just hate her, and forget it, but.. she's my mom. I just wish she loved me, for me."

Remaining quiet for a moment as Stan thought over his words, he tried to formulate the perfect sentence, not wanting to fuck up when Kyle needed him. "Well," He started, nearly stuttering over his words. "I went through the same thing with my dad. I know it's different because I'm bisexual, and you're gay, but I couldn't stay mad at my dad for not accepting me. Since you can make, or at least attempt to, amends with your mom, you should do it. Even if she's angry, or sad, or whatever she's feeling, she still loves you."

When did he get so fucking smart? Kyle thought to himself as he stared at Stan in awe, fighting the urge to tackle him, and make-out with him right there. And it was pretty hard for Kyle to fight that urge when Stan smirked, basically reading his mind.

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now