Dani POV

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The doorbell tinkles as I enter the book store. I have always hated stores like these. I feel like it is announcing my arrival to everyone, and I don't really care for the attention it brings.

I shoot a half smile at the cashier. Thank goodness there are only two others in the small establishment. Even if it is so tiny, my eyes do a quick scan of the area, and I see they have a nice collection. I am sure I will be able to find something here.

The truth of the matter is that I need to find something that will fill the void. I'm new to the area, so it's not like I can invite my friends over. All my friends are more than two hours' drive away. They can only be a weekend interaction now. For now, a warm, romance novel will have to do.

I walk an aisle, and as I'm entering another, there is a female, head hanging forward, no doubt checking out a potential read. Her hair is jet black and wavy. As I am still admiring her shoulder-length tresses, she turns around and smiles in greeting. I look her quickly up, then down, and smile in return.

Nudging my chin towards the book in her grip, "keeper?"

She looks at the book, flips it over, and looks back at me.

"Still deciding, actually. I'm terrible at choosing. I get here, and I find so many interesting books, but I never want to take too many at once. What about you?"

"Uh, not yet, actually. I just got in. Looking for the romance novels. Any recommendations?"

She looks along the aisle as if trying to just randomly select one for me.

Waving her hand towards the books, "you are, at least, in the right spot. These are all romances. A great many here, to be honest."

She starts to walk, slowly dragging her fingertips along the books. She seems to be looking for a specific one. She reaches a red covered one and easily slips it from its place. Yes, she knows her way around these books. She frequents here. I can tell. She hands it to me. Trust. That's the title.

"You won't want to put it down."

Smiling at her, I take the book, "thank you. Just what I need. You're my savior."

I give a little curtsy in appreciation, and that causes her to giggle. She giggles, and I can't help but look at her again. Taking in her presence completely. About five feet, five inches tall, slim built; athletic. Piercing brown eyes, super cute dimples, honey complexion. She is beautiful.

Assuming she has seen me checking her out, I stretch my hand in her direction.
"Dani Rain," I say.

She smiles and takes my hand in a shake. It is the softest palm I have ever felt against mine.

"Tammy Torres. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise, Mrs. Torres."

She smiles shyly, "that's just Ms. Torres, but, please, call me Tammy."

I did that intentionally, wanting to know if she is married or not.

"Tammy it is," I say, holding the book up between us, indicating I'm about to check out.

I walk to the cashier, and she is next in line to cash out. I take my purchase and slip it into my backpack.

"Thanks again, Tammy," I say, walking towards the door.

"No problem," she calls out behind me.

I hop in my car, speeding off in the direction of my new home, with my new best friend.

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