Tammy POV

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I hear the doorbell and rush to open the door. I'm not expecting any company. I hope I didn't forget about having anyone over. I pull the door open, and I catch the scent of apricots. Right! This is the second time I am smelling this scent. I know who it belongs to. I guess I rolled my eyes in greeting.

"Hello to you, too, Tammy."

I look at her seriously. Does that smile ever leave her face long enough?

"Ms. Torres to you."

She pushes past me, "oh, c'mon. First, I have strict orders for me to call you Tammy, now, it's Ms. Torres? Women...so indecisive."

She plops down on the sofa, and I have no choice but to close the door. I walk back to stand in front of her, hands on hips.

"Did you need something?"

She doesn't respond right away. The smile is half on, half off her face as she, slowly, looks me up, then back down.

Feeling a little uneasy, "look, Dani, I have things to do. Now isn't a good time -"

"Dinner," she jumps to her feet, "you're invited."

She starts walking back towards the door.

"I'm sorry. I can't right now, Dani. Some other time."

She turns as if she has seen a ghost and stares at me like I have lost my mind.

"Oh, you don't want to miss this. My mom is cooking. She requested for you to be there. You cannot say no."

Now, I just feel unsettled. What is her mother even like? I better not get on her bad side to find out.

I lift my hands, surrendering, "fine, I'll be there."

"Safest answer. See you later, Tammy."

Before I can even remind her of what she should call me, she is out the door.
Well, I guess I better go shower and get ready for the unexpected. I feel so nervous by the way Dani reacted. I feel like I don't even know what to wear. To hell with it, I'll be me. Take it or leave it. 

Ms. TorresWhere stories live. Discover now