Tammy POV

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It's Thursday, and another session for Dani. I find myself cooking enchiladas. I have no idea why I am cooking for her, but I am. It's just because they have done the same for me before. I'm just doing something nice for her. I want to believe this.

There is a tap at the back door. She never uses the front, and I call out for her to come in.

"Omg. Can I eat before we start?"

I, secretly, love how frank she is. She is so carefree.

I just look at her and smile, "grab a plate, greedy."

She doesn't hesitate. She is next to me with the biggest plate.

I can't help but giggle.

"Don't they feed you over there?"

I move away so she can help herself.

I take two cans of soda to the table, and when she joins me, she is already chewing.

"You better be grateful for whatever it is in your body, getting rid of everything you eat."

She giggles at me, "I work out," she says, flexing her invisible bicep muscles.

I can't help but admire her. Even if she doesn't have an athletic body, she is still so beautiful. She has beautiful qualities that I hate to admit pull me in.

We chit chat as we finish our food. She is finished even before me. She stands and takes her plate to the sink.

She opens my fridge and looks inside, "dessert?"

"Are you kidding me? You should be offering to wash the dishes. Instead, here you are asking for dessert."

She comes back to the table, sitting next to me with my last serving of ice cream. Butterscotch flavored.

"Dani! Hey, I don't want to share that."

She twists her body away from me and shoves spoonfuls after spoonfuls in her mouth.

She turns to offer me a spoonful, and I open my mouth instantly. She touches the ice cream to my upper lip, and as soon as I am about to close my mouth, she pulls it away and shoves it in her mouth. That, apparently, is the last spoonful, and I just lick the tip of my lip that managed to get some.

I sulk, playfully, "greedy and mean."

She smiles, but her smile isn't innocent. She leans in close, and without any hesitation, kisses my lips.

"I'm in no way mean," she brushes her lips against mine, and butterflies are everywhere, but I don't move.

She smiles and takes my lips again, and I can't deny her. She makes me lose control so easily.

She tucks my hair behind my ear, and she kisses my lower lip and pulls away, "I may be greedy, but I can also share."

I smile into our kiss as her lips are back on mine. I tease her with my tongue, and a soft moan escapes her lips. I know I am playing with fire, but I don't feel like I want to stop.

"Dani, we shouldn't -"

Her lips again, and I can't stop her. My lips welcome hers, and this time, she teases me with her tongue, I catch it and suck on the tip. That's when I feel her hand pulling at the end of my top.
I lace our fingers together to stop her from pulling at my clothes, and she breaks the kiss, and I feel her traveling to my neck. I feel her rolling her tongue against my skin, and the goosebumps are instant.

"Dani, we have to-"

She bites into my skin and teases it with her tongue before she moves lower on my neck, "we have to what?"

My grip tightens on hers because I feel she wants to loosen our grip.

She sucks on my skin, and I can't allow her to leave a mark on me, so I turn into her, taking her lips again, "we should-"

She pushes her tongue at me right after biting my lower lip and untangling our hands.

I feel her going back to my waist, and I feel her nails over my tummy, "I love how taunt this is," she says.

My breathing becomes ragged, and I can feel I'm on the edge of no control. I suck on her tongue, and she constantly pulls it away, only to give it back.

"Dani, you're driving me crazy," I say against her lips.

She takes my lips again, and I can feel her hand sliding up towards my breasts-

Her phone rings, startling both of us. This phone is a life saver, I walk away to regain my composure and let her take her call. I go wash up in the bathroom.

When I return, she is watching me most seductively, but we need to stop. This can't happen.

"Can we get to work now?" I ask, rather pleadingly.

She just smiles and opens her book.

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