Dani POV

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It's Friday, and I make sure everything is in order. I make sure to select a place far enough that we can have complete privacy. I have called already to book a room at the resort. I am so glad that I have been working in my old town. I have quite an amount saved, but I don't mind spending it if it means I can be with Tammy.

I will be there this evening, and I will check out early Sunday morning. That's two nights of having my favorite person in my arms. There is no way I will not see her. There is no way I can abide by my mother's order this time. I need to see Tammy. I need to touch her. I need to have her.

My mother thinks I will be traveling to our old hometown to spend time with my friends. She more than approves since she wants me to stay away from Tammy. I have already called my friends to cover for me, just in case my mother calls. I had to give them a believable story, too, since I don't need anyone knowing about Tammy and I. I can't risk her job and reputation.

I'm drawn from my thoughts as my last class for the day ends. I need to get home and pick up my bag. I have packed already. I'm super excited to start my journey there. It's two hours away. We will go there separately just to avoid anyone seeing us traveling together. I know I will be reaching there before Tammy. She always stays a while after classes are over, so I know she will reach after me.

Ten minutes later, I walk in my door to pick up my belongings for the weekend. I write a note and stick it on the fridge for my mom since she isn't at home yet. I will just call her when I am there, and I know she is at home. I sling my bag across my shoulder and head to my car.

I hit the freeway and turn the music up. I let the windows down and enjoy the fresh air. I feel like there is nothing that can go wrong this weekend. I know it will be blissful. There is a very important question I need to ask Tammy.

I get swamped in thoughts of Tammy, and an hour and forty-five minutes later, I am pulling into the resort.

This resort is breathtaking and has its own private beach. It offers many water sports that I intend to enjoy while out here with Tammy. The landscape is to die for. Everything looks like it has been perfectly placed, and there is not a thing I can find to complain about.

I climb out of my car and lean back on the door as I close it. I just take a good look around, and I know I have made a great choice.

I go to reception, and soon enough, I'm being directed to our room. I open the door, and I am not disappointed. Again, everything is perfectly placed. My eyes are drawn to the bed, and I smile. A king bed. I get to share this with Tammy, and all the thoughts that flood my mind should be a sin.

I refuse to sink into my thoughts at a beautiful place like this. I put down my bag, freshen up, and head outside. I will wander while waiting for Tammy. 

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