Tammy POV

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8:30 pm, and I'm laying in bed with the novel Dani brought for me. This is a racey one, and I must admit, it's my first lesbian novel. It has some very erotic scenes. I can't help but think of her as I put the book down next to me. I think of the taste and feel of her lips against mine. I think of the urgency in which she pulls at my clothes. I think of her apricot scent. I remember what it feels like to have her palms brushing against my nipples. My nipples harden with the memory of it, and I close my eyes, trying to rid myself of her face. Why have I sunken this deeply with her. Why did I meet her that day?

I turn on my side, trying to find a comfortable position, when my phone rings. I don't recognise the number.


"Tammy... don't hang up."

My eyes close as I hear her familiar voice in my ear.

"How did you get my number?"

I hear her chuckling, "from my mom's contacts. Don't judge me."

I can't help but smile, I'm so glad she can't see me.

"What do you want?"

"I want to come over, I want to hold you, I want to touch you, I want to taste your lips, I want to taste every-"

"Dani, stop it."

I hate how she gets me to react.

"I saw your lights on and was wondering if you wanted some company."

I give a half laugh, "are you serious right now?"

"As a heart attack. Also, I wanted to bring back your piece that you made me read. I have so many things to tell you about it, but I don't want to do it over the phone."

That gets me to giggle.

"Dani, you can't come over here now. You know that."

"I know, but if there were no school, no teacher-student thing. What would be your answer to me asking to come over."

I don't even want to answer that. There is a long pause, but then I eventually say, "I would allow you to come."

"Tammy, open your door, I'm coming. Shhh...I won't leave until you do."

Not even two minutes later, there is a light tap, and I just open the door and walk back towards my bedroom.

As soon as she enters my bedroom, I realize what I just did. The living room would have been much safer. She climbs up and lays back on my pillows while I sit on the edge, looking at her. She just looks back at me.

She is wearing a tank top and shorts, and I can see her tattoo. She looks so edgy and sexy laying here in my bed.

"What are you thinking?"

Oh, no. I refuse to answer that. She can never know. So as not to answer, I lay beside her, making sure I'm not touching her.

"My work. You said you had a lot to tell me."

"Well, it was great, and I kinda wished you had chosen writing rather than teaching. Right now, a lot of things would be different."

I go silent, not wanting to ask anymore questions, afraid I might not like the answers.

She reaches for my hand and laces our fingers together.

"Still mad at me?"

I exhale, "no."

She lifts our hands to her lips and kisses the back of my hand. My eyes travel up to the kiss. She rolls onto her side and takes my lips, and my eyes close. I can't deny her. I have been craving her touch, her taste. I roll into her, and I deepen our kiss. Our breathing both changed so quickly. I only release her lips to get enough air, and I'm back at it again. I climb on top of her, and my kisses trail to her neck. I run my tongue from the base of her neck, right to her lobe, and shift my course again. I suck on her neck, and I know there will be a mark, but I can't help myself. As I suck and bite on her neck, she calls out my name real low, and her hands go to my thighs and slowly start running up. I bite into her neck again, and I know the mark will be pretty bad, but she is driving me crazy with her touch. She trails just the tip of her nails over my thighs, and then her hand goes to my ass. She cups and pulls me closer to her. I rotate my hips, pushing into her, as I am near panting on her neck.

If I don't have the control in me to stop now, I may not ever have it again. I, reluctantly, pull her hands away, pushing them up over her head. Fighting to catch my breath. I look down at her with desire in my eyes, and she looks back at me with the same.

"Dani, no."

She just nods, not saying anything. I lay on top of her for a few minutes to catch my breath, and she allows me. I roll beside her, and she rolls, too, spooning me.

"Let me just hold you through the night. Please, don't tell me to go home."

How can I refuse her? I just reach for the covers and pull it up over both of us. I don't want her to leave. I know I should just send her home, but I want her here.

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