Dani POV

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Tammy and I had dinner together. It was a quiet celebration of our relationship. I'm elated, and Tammy seems to be, too. I like it so much out here. I can touch her, hold her hands, I can kiss her, and not have to worry. I feel like she is a new person without the restrictions, too. I can feel she is just as happy as I am.

After dinner, we walked along the beach and talked. We talked about how we would try to maintain our relationship until I graduate. We agreed that we will not meet at her house, to respect my mother's advice, and we have to try and remain as normal as possible at school. The thing I liked the most with our arrangement is that she said next weekend, and all weekends after that, she will try to be available for us to spend it just like this. Going to different places, of course.

We talked a little about college for me, but I don't like to think of that too much. I feel like we will hit another hurdle then. Of course, I know she will work with me with any decision that I make, but just the thought of, maybe, moving again for school scares me. I don't want to be away from her.

We're now back at our room, and she throws the flip flops she had in her hand in the corner. We walked barefoot along the beach.

"I'm about to go take a shower. I feel like beach sand is everywhere."

I get up and circle her in my arms, "I can help to scrub the hard to reach places," I say, as I start to lift her top off.

Her arms go up over her head, and she is looking at me with quite the look on her face. I throw it across the room, and my hands go to her shorts' waistband. She leans in, kissing my lips, and I slip the button through its hole. She breaks the kiss and walks backward, looking at me seductively. She shakes her hips, and the shorts fall to her ankles. She steps out of them and continues to walk, slowly, backward to the bathroom. I walk slowly towards her with each step she takes.

I can't help but look her over. She is in nothing but a black lace bra and panty set. She knows exactly what she is doing to me.

She continues, and finally, she is at the bathroom door. I walk right up to her, and my hands go to her hips as her lips reach mine. She deepens the kiss instantly, and she is kissing me passionately. I feel her step away, and my eyes open to see the bathroom door being locked in my face.

I bang on the door, and I hear her giggling. I know she won't let me in.

"Such a tease," I say.

About 20 minutes later, she comes out, with her satin robe knotted at her waist. I can see she is wearing nothing under that. I can see her nipples printed against the fabric. I make sure she sees me looking at her. I make sure she sees how much I want her.

I snatch a towel and dash to the shower. I don't close the door all the way. If she wants to join or peek, she can.

I hear the TV, and I shower as quickly as I can.

When I finally emerge from the shower, there Tammy is fast asleep.

I punch my palm. There is no hiding the fact that I wanted a little more than this tonight, but I can't even be mad at her. She has had a long day, and there is no way I will be inconsiderate to her.

I crawl into bed next to her, and I place a kiss on her cheek. She shuffles and turns into me. She buries her face at my neck, and by her breathing, I can tell she is asleep. I wrap my arm around her body and enjoy the feel of having her in my embrace. Just this feeling alone is indescribable. Here I am, thinking I was going to need more from her, but I realise just being with her, whether we are doing something or not, it's always going to feel satisfying. I feel so happy, so comforted by her presence.

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