Dani POV

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It's mid week of my first week at Grad's High, and, today, I am most skeptical. I am doing well in each subject, but today is my first test for mathematics. I know I won't do well, and normally, that's ok, but now that I know the teacher, I am very conscious of my weakness.

The test is being handed out, and I'm being stupid. So many emotions take over. I don't know why I'm letting it get to me this way. Fuck it! I'm not in the mood for this. I hang my head low over my test, and refuse to touch it. Maybe, this way it won't look so bad. I feel like not doing anything will still look better than scoring less than fifty percent on this test. Yes, I'm that bad at it.

About ten minutes into the test, I feel a tap on my arm.


I don't respond.

She calls again, "Dani?"

I shuffle away from her touch, and I hear her heels clicking away from me.
I must have drifted off to sleep, because soon enough I hear her voice, again.

"Ok, time's up. Pass your paper to the person in front of you."

No later than she says that, the buzzer sounds. Finally! The worst, and last subject of the day is over. I grab my bag, and head towards my freedom.

She steps right before me, looking directly in my eyes.

"Stay. I need to have a word with you."

I just look at her like she is the worst thing right now, but it doesn't shake her stance. She allows the other students to leave, and then closes the door.

I'm already sitting on the edge of her desk.

She walks towards me, and stops just a few inches away, staring at me. If she thinks I'll offer words first then she must be mad.

"What was that, Dani?"

I play a fool, "what was what, Tammy?"

She folds her arms which only makes my eyes travel to her chest. Having her hands there pushes her B cups to actually look like C's. I know she sees where my eyes went.

"Dani, it's Ms. Torres."

"I can't see you as that now...you're just Tammy to me."

I make sure my eyes travel to her lips, I can see she is a little unsettled. I stand without a second thought, and it only brings me closer to her.

She takes a step back, and says, "I will have a talk with Gina later."

I don't know why that one line makes me so mad.

"Fuck you, Tammy," I say right up next to her face.

I don't even wait for another word from her, I exit her classroom like it's on fire.

Ms. TorresWhere stories live. Discover now