Dani POV

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I exit the school fuming mad until I see Erica. She has been waiting for me. I can't help but feel a little more at ease. I smile in greeting.

"How did it go?"

"Bitch wanna snitch."

Erica is so dramatic, she covers her mouth like it's so serious.

"Oh, no. That's bad."

"Well, let her do what she needs to do."

We make a few steps in silence.

"You know, Dani, I can help you. We can do math homework together. I have a very clear understanding of it all."

Help coming from her is something I'm totally ok with. I wrap my arm around her shoulders.

"You are good at it, huh, genius?" I say, as I touch her glasses in a teasing manner.

"Well, I'm not the sensitive one about it."

As soon as she says that, she takes off running. I'm hot on her heels.

We reach her doorway, huffing and puffing, and she can't contain her giggles. I'm not a physical person, so I am bent over at the waist, hands on knees trying to catch my breath.
She walks in the door and up to her room, and I can barely make the climb behind her.

I'm so glad to see her bed, I just throw down in the middle to recover.

She plops down next to me, "ok, seems like we need to do more than homework together."

I know she is hinting that I need to exercise. How can she even catch her breath enough to speak right now? How can she act as if though nothing happened?

I place my finger over her lips, "shhh," is all I can manage.

For once, she complies. She sits back and starts taking out our homework.

Soon enough, we are both buried in our homework, and, quite frankly, doing it with her, having her explain it to me step by step as we progress, makes it a little more understandable. Maybe Erica will help me after all. Maybe it won't be so bad the next time a test comes around. Or is that all just wishful thinking? Either way, there is hope.
After about an hour and a half later of us doing homework and goofing around, Erica is escorting me to her door. I turn to say goodbye to her, and a soft kiss lands on my cheek. Instantly, I see her cheeks flaring up. I hope this isn't what I think it is. Well, two can play this game. I lean in and kiss her cheek as well. That gets to her, she hangs her head shyly, and it makes me smile.

"Well, see ya, Erica."

I turn to walk away, and she calls my name.


I turn to look at her, not saying anything.

"Can we do something this weekend?"

I scratch my head as if though I'm contemplating whether that can happen or not.


"It's ok if you don't want to."

I grin at her, "any time, anything you like."

That gets her to start smiling. 

"Ok, thanks. That's great."

I just turn on my heels and head home.

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