Dani POV

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It's Friday morning, and I cannot feel more excited than I do. Today will be a good day, I just know it.

Even though I have a car of my own, Erica and I walk to school almost everyday, she says I need it. I try to do that because that's the furthest I will go with being physical.

"What have you so happy this morning?" Erica greets me as I reach in front of her house.

"Today will be a great day. I just know it. My friends from my old school will come by today. They stay the night with me as well."

She smiles as she starts walking ahead of me.

"Oh, that's nice."

Right away, I remember her asking for us to do something together.

I walk beside her, "I would like to invite you over. It'll be fun, and you can get to meet them."

Her face lights up as she looks at me, "I would love to."

With that settled, we make our way to school.

Being in a happy mood seems to be making my day progress real fast. I've taken two quizzes already, and I'm feeling great about them.

Now, I'm rounding the corner, Erica and I, to make it to Tammy's class. As soon as I'm reaching for the door, this asshole, Aiden, runs into me, sending me flying forward. Seems like Tammy was coming at the door, as she normally does, and I went straight at her. She kinda caught me, but she had a half empty cup in her hand. Some of its content spills on her, and she makes this funny sound.

Instinctively, my hands just run to where she has the spill, on her tummy area. My eyes go to hers, checking to see if she is ok.

"I'm sorry. It was an accident," I say, trying to explain.

She stares back at me for just a few seconds and then pulls away, probably, because I had touched her. I take my hands into fists and push them down to my side.

"It's ok, Dani, have a seat. It's ok," she says, wiping at her tummy to try and make it dry.

How I wish she would let me dry that for her. How I can remember just with that tiny contact that indeed she is athletic. I felt how taunt her tummy is. When I look into her eyes, I could get lost there.
I shake my head and move to my desk.
All throughout her class, I keep seeing her eyes, I can't focus on what she is saying. I just stare at her lips, her figure. I know she sees me watching her because at one point, I hold her stare.
I really need to focus as much as I can, especially in her class, but I can't. Thank goodness this is the last class of the day.
Staring at her feels to have come to a quick end. Soon enough, the buzzer is sounding, and that's when my mind is able to travel to something else. My troop. They are coming today.

Erica and I hurry home. I told her to be there by 5:30-6:00. Knowing them, I know they will have already packed before classes, and they will be coming straight from school.

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