Tammy POV

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After lunch, I head out back on my deck to soak up the sun and get some writing in. There is nothing more relaxing than having the warm sun on my skin as I pour out my heart in writing. I have a small desk out here and two loungers. These are the only pieces of furniture. I use the desk to write outdoors, and my loungers are simply for relaxing with the sun in my face.

Today, I want to get some writing done. I don't actually publish anything professionally. I just write for the love of it. I have shared two stories on Wattpad so far. I'm a little old-fashioned with it, though. I like the pen and paper feel.
I settle down to start writing, and I seem to just stop existing in my reality. I forget everything and everyone. I get totally lost in my story. I'm trying a romance thriller this time. I want to shake up my writing style.

I hear the gate in the back creak, and I stretch my body and turn around, only to see my new neighbor. She is carrying binoculars in her hands and making her way towards me.

I shuffle with my papers, not wanting her to see it. She picks up her binoculars and looks through it at me, even if she is only a few steps away.

"What you hiding there from me?"

I can't help but chuckle as I manage to put everything together in one spot, away from her eyes.

"Nothing that concerns you."

She is still looking through her binoculars, and I grab it from her.

"Stop that."

She grins and walks on the other side of my table, picking up my folder with my papers. I reach for it instantly, but she is quicker, putting it behind her back, smiling mischievously at me.

I have a serious look on my face because I don't want her to see what I am writing.

"Give it to me, Dani," I say, walking towards her.

She just keeps that damn smile on her face, and she steps back as I get closer.

"Tell me what it is."


Her back touches the wall, and she can't retreat any further. I step close to her, our bodies almost touching, and the smile leaves her face. I see her icy blues going to my lips. I do something I wouldn't normally do, I lick my lips and, at the same time, snatch my folder from her.

I'm the one grinning now, "that wasn't so hard."

Just as quickly, her smile is back on her face.

"So mean."

Setting my folder back in place, I bring her binoculars to my eyes, "what are you doing with these?"

"Looking through my neighbor's window."

I have to laugh, "such a perv."

She giggles, "I've always loved looking through those. Since here has more foliage, I'm pretty sure there are more creepy-crawlies to see."

She goes to the lounger and sits.

"So, you gonna tell me what's in the folder?"

I walk towards her, "if you must know, Ms. Nosey, I write... not professionally, but it's a hobby of mine. Anything else?"

"Can I read something? Do you do romance?"

"You can't, and I do. I love romance. I'm a sucker for happy endings."

"Even if not now, I would love to read something from you one day."

She says that looking at me intently, and for the first time, serious.

"I'll think about it."

"Fair enough," she says, and looks off into the distance, "family?"

"Uh... No, Dani. Recent divorce, but I don't wish to speak about that. Tell me about you."

"What you wanna know?"

"I don't know. Anything you want to share."

"Let's see... female, nineteen, new here, only child, hate crowd, love cookies -"

Shaking my head, cutting her off, "you're telling me all the obvious stuff. Tell me -"


I get cut off with this one word, and she, deliberately, makes eye contact with me. All that she was saying she never stopped to look at me until now.

My lips are moving, but no sound is coming out.

She looks at the pool, "loving the pool. Would you be so nice as to allow me to have a swim in there sometime?"

Finally, something I can respond to.

"Ye-Yes, of course."

She smiles and gets up, reaching for her binoculars from me.

"I'll hold you to that. I'll make my way back now. Remember, I want to read something of yours."

I'm glad she is leaving. I don't know how to respond to her being a lesbian. I think it shouldn't be such a surprise, but I am shocked.

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