Dani POV

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We are all sitting around with the TV on, still trying to wake up, when there is a knock at the door. I drag myself off the sofa to open the door, and there stands the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She is in a loose fitting top, with a pair of faded blue jeans. She is wearing heels too, not too high, but just enough to give her that oh so sexy look. Her hair is in a ponytail, and she looks so fresh. Maybe it's because, in contrast, I am half dressed and feeling like I'm not ready to be up just yet.

She states that she is here to see my mother. I had no idea they had made plans. I step aside to let her in, and there is a whistle coming from Brian. All of a sudden, he is wide awake.

"Ignore him," I say to her and shout for my mom.

"Coming, Tammy."

She knows it's Tammy I'm calling her for.

I join the group again, and Tammy follows, getting closer. Erica seems so nervous now.

"Hi-hi, Ms. Torres."

"Hi, Erica. Had fun?" She asks, smiling at the entire group.

Chrissy chooses to answer for Erica, "oh, she had fun, alright. We had to tear her and Dani apart, or we would have gotten a free show."

Erica hits Chrissy's arm, and her cheeks are bright red.

I just chuckle, not giving a damn. Tammy already knows I'm a lesbian. I look at Tammy, and I catch her gaze. She is looking at me. I break contact when my mom greets her.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting, Tammy."

"Oh, it's alright. Shall we?"

I hop up off the sofa and walk with them to the door. It's a habit of mine as long as my mother is leaving, and I am home.

I lean against the doorway, "what you gon' bring for me, Ms. Torres?"

It's the first time I'm using her surname, but Erica is here, and I don't want to seem too friendly with the teacher.

She looks back at me and sarcastically says, "what else could you possibly want? You have everything inside waiting for you."

"Meaney," I call back to her.

She never really stopped to deliver her punch.

"Ma, food. Don't come back without it."

My mom just chuckles and doesn't reply.
I go back inside, thinking about what Tammy has said. I think she had a little attitude. Oh, well.

We spend the next few hours waking up, and eventually, everyone leaves to go home. I allow them all to shower before me. I shower last and sit on the sofa waiting for my mom to return with food.

Ms. TorresWhere stories live. Discover now