Tammy POV

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Exactly fifty-four minutes later, I am standing at the door, being invited inside by Ms. Apricots. I don't know why, but I stare at her, taking in her attire. She just looks normal this evening, skin fitting, sky blue tank top, and real short, grey cotton shorts.

She stands smiling at me, like she knows what I just did. I don't even know why I feel this unsettled around her. I think it may be the fact that I have never had a lesbian friend, so I don't really know what clicks, and what doesn't. Wait! Did I just say friend? No! Student. She's my student.

"Come right this way," a high-pitched voice says from behind Dani.

As if that's her cue, she moves, allowing me to step inside.

There, already setting the table, is Dani's mother. Just now, I realize I don't even know her name. She stops setting the table and walks in my direction, pulling me in a hug. Ok, they seem to not do hand shakes. They do hugs. I'll have to remember that.

"I'm Tammy Torres. What can I help you with?"

She smiles warmly at me, and all the fears Dani instilled melts away. Something tells me she just intentionally scared me about her mother.

"Don't be silly. You're our guest. Have a seat," she flashes Dani a look, who is already sitting at the table, "Dan, get the drinks, honey."

She turns back to me, removing her apron and hanging it on the back of her chair.

"I'm Gina, dear. Gina Rain."

"Nice to meet you, Gina, and thanks for inviting me. Everything looks and smells so delicious."

I hear Dani clearing her throat, "just to be sure, here's your drink to take down whatever may be lodged in your throat."

That gains a chuckle from her mother. I take it she doesn't normally cook.

"Sit your butt down, Dani."

She is grinning but complies.

Much to my delight, the food is really good. Apparently, it's her famous stovetop chicken pot pie.

We get to talking as we eat, and the atmosphere is so tranquil. There is really nothing for me to be fearful of. I learned that she is into real estate and that she came out this way because there is a demand. She, too, like Dani, is an only child. This is one small family. She is a widow. It happened almost immediately after giving birth to Dani, which is a sad topic, so I changed it.

"So, Dani, how you liking the new school?" I ask.

She has been quiet all this time.

"It's ok, I guess," she says, shrugging her shoulders.

Her mother nudges her, "don't be so shy now. You had a very colorful description of your first day earlier."

"Oh, really? What's wrong?" I ask Gina.

"Well, nothing, really. She just doesn't want to be there. I got that right, right, Dan?" She asks, looking over at Dani.

She giggles, "careful mom, we have faculty and staff in our presence."

Gina looks shocked for a moment, then looks at me.

"You're a teacher there?"

"Uhm, yes. Yes, I am. I teach mathematics."

Gina covers her mouth. She almost chokes on her drink.

"Well, you will have a hard time with this one. That's her weakness."

"Mooommm... "

For once, Dani looks embarrassed.
Gina looks at me like she has a light bulb moment.

"Dani, it would be perfect. Maybe being neighbored with your mathematics teacher will finally help your grade in that subject. Tammy, maybe you can tutor her. Help her get better at it."

It's my turn to look shocked. I don't want anymore one on one time with this girl. I just want to stay clear of her. We have very strict policies when it comes to teacher and student interactions. 

"Yeah, sure," I mumble under my breath.

Offering to help with the dishes is the least I can do, but Gina shoos me out of the kitchen. She walks me to the door and makes me promise we can meet again. I can't lie, she is a very nice person... they both are.

Ms. TorresWhere stories live. Discover now