Dani POV

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As the class comes to an end, Erica and I make our way off the compound. We agree to walk home together since I live only a block away from her. As we are walking, she replaces the eyeglasses with sunshades. Wow. What a difference that makes. From nerdy to sexy.

We walk, slowly, towards home as we exchange info about each other. I learned that she is the middle child of three kids. She is 18. Straight, not because I asked, but because she mentioned a boyfriend. She doesn't like that they moved. I'm guessing it has to do with the fact that Miguel is back in Spain. She loves singing and dancing. She loves tattoos but doesn't have any, and she has a tie fetish. I don't need to know anymore about that.

Soon enough, we are at her place. I bid her goodbye and make the short journey home. As I push open the door, I decide to do the right thing and get my homework out of the way. Time flies as I am stuck bent over my books.

The sound of keys in the door catches my attention. My mother. Two bags of groceries in her hands. This is strange.

"What did you do with my mother?"

"Funny! Dani, come help me!"

I laugh and run over to help her.

I kiss her cheek, "hi, mom."

She turns to close the door, "hi, baby. How was it?"

"Ehh...it's the last place I wanted to be."

She grins at me and pinches my cheek.
"It'll get better, just give it time, Dan."

I set the bags on the counter and look back at her then at the bags, needing an explanation.

"Oh. That. Cooking. I need you to go invite the neighbor. She left us cookies, and I never reached out. It's the least I can do."

I look at her, carefully, "I hope this isn't our last meal."

She laughs and smacks my arm.

"Dani, go do what I asked you to. Just because I don't cook doesn't mean I don't know how to."

I head towards the door to invite my neighbor and teacher over for dinner.

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