Tammy POV

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I go back to school, and Dani doesn't even look at me. I try to talk to her, and she never stops long enough to hear me. I feel miserable each day. Maybe I should just accept this opportunity. It's something I had wanted.

Being impulsive, I hang over my laptop and quickly type my resignation letter. Maybe Dani and I weren't meant to be. Maybe this is a sign that it wasn't meant to be. Who cares anymore? Dani won't even look my way. It seems like she will never forgive me, and it seems like it is so easy for her to move on. Maybe it's time I do something for myself.

I'm on my last day of work. My resignation is complete today. I can't believe it has been two weeks already.

Of course, word has gotten around the school already, so now when Dani sees me, it's like she is shooting daggers my way. I allow her. I don't try to reach out anymore. There is nothing I can tell her that will have her act differently, it seems. I will leave on Sunday, moving closer to my new place of employment.

As I am packing the last of my things, Dani comes into the room, seeming like she forgot something. She dashes to her desk, and she is quickly leaving.

I call her name.


She stops and turns in my direction. She doesn't come close, but, at least, she has stopped today. Now that she has stopped, I don't know what to say to her.

She gives a half smile, "good luck out there, Tammy. I know you will do well."

"Dani," I say, and attempt to move to her.
She takes a few steps back.

"It's ok, Tammy. I understand. Take care."

With that being said, she leaves the classroom. I can see that she is just trying to be strong. I can see how hurt she is. I can see how much pain I have caused her.

I turn to finish packing my things, and the tears are rolling down my cheeks. Maybe, when I leave, it won't be so painful. Maybe, when I leave it will be easier for us to forget each other. Maybe she was honest. Maybe she does understand. I feel like nothing is sure now. I feel like I don't have the answer to anything now. I feel lost. I feel incomplete without her. I want her laughter in my life, I want her smile. I want her touch. I want her dramatic ways. I need...her.

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