Tammy POV

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After my class ends, I don't stay behind like I normally do. I lock the door right behind my last student, and I walk towards the parking lot. My tummy area is still wet and burning. I don't have anything extra with me.

Soon enough, I am home. I go straight for a change of clothes and head out on the deck. I might as well write a little while I still can. I'm progressing great on this new piece. As I'm writing, my mind travels back to icy blue eyes staring at me. She had touched me. As soon as she did, I felt what I hate to admit, butterflies, dancing in my tummy. I don't know what it is about her. My mind also travels to the fact that she seems to hate me now. Maybe, because I had spoken to her mother about her test. I just want to see Dani do well, and I know she can.

As if on whim, she is entering her yard, and I call out to her without even thinking it through.

"Dani!" I beckon her with my hand.

Even from some feet away, I can see her smile. She still enters her yard and walks on the side, coming to my space through the linking back gate.

I sit and just watch her walk towards me. I know I shouldn't, but I can't take my gaze from her.

She steps onto the deck, "need the binoculars?"

I shake my head, smiling, trying to hide that tiny blush.

"Don't be silly."

She grins at me, stepping right up next to me.

"How's the spill?" She asks, looking me up and down.

"Well, thank God I was wearing dark colors, and yeah, it burned a little, but I'll survive. "

She seems concerned, and her hands go to the end of my tank top, and she is about to lift. I try to hold my blouse in place and step back away from her, but her grip is firm.

"Tammy, don't be silly. Let me see."

I don't know why, but I release my grip and look away from her as she lifts my top. I know I should not let her, but the stupid part of me allows her.

"Oh, Tammy, are you sure? You have a red patch here," I can feel her finger, lightly, trailing along the sides of the redness.

I hold my breath, and I feel my face heating up. I can't take her touch. I step back.

"Maybe you should put something on it."

"It's fine. Nothing to worry about."

She looks at me for a while, and I am hoping my cheeks aren't red, but she just walks inside my house. What the hell is she doing? She comes back with a tube in her hand. She calls me over to the lounger.

"Sit here."

Having no reason why, I comply.
I sit up straight, but then she pushes at my shoulders, causing me to lean back. I close my eyes, instantly, to not see and, hopefully, not feel anything.

She lifts the end of my top again, and I feel something really cool on my skin. It feels pretty good, actually, because that area stays with a burning sensation. I inhale deeply, more to her touch than what she is applying. I must have twitched because she pauses for a few seconds.

"Does it hurt?"

I look down at her, and I don't need to see her there. It does something to me. I might as well say it is painful than admit her touch is making me a little uneasy.

"It's ok. Thank you."

Without thinking, I sit up again. It only serves to bring me that much closer to her, and since she is stooping, she is right in range.

I go silent and lick my lips, and her eyes go there, then, slowly, traveling back to mine. I stare back at her, and she says nothing, just staring at me. I can feel those darn butterflies again, and I feel my ears heating up.

"What was it? It feels really good." I say as I shuffle away and stand.

She holds it up in my vision. Toothpaste.

"Old home remedy my grandmother taught me. Works every time."

"Thank you, Dani. Anyways, that's not why I invited you," I say, chuckling, "I have decided you can read something from me."

Even if I don't like to admit it, a huge part of me don't want her to be upset at me, and I feel like she has been keeping away because of me going to her mother.

I reach for what I believe to be my best work and hand it to her. She is smiling so wide.

"Thank you for this, Tammy. I will be very harsh in judging."

I laugh at her, not even bothering to stop her from calling me Tammy today.

"Oh, don't I know it? What about the book from the other day? Finished?"

"As a matter of fact, I finished my last chapter last night. It was a great book. It's perfect that you agreed to let me read this now. Thank you. I will have it back to you soon."

"It's ok. Whenever you're ready."

"Well, I'll go for now, Tammy. Got my old friends coming over tonight."

"Have fun, but remember Sunday."

She does this puking action before she leaves, and I can't help but laugh. She is so dramatic.

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