Dani POV

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As my last period arrives, I am glad to see that Tammy has brought my books that I had left at her place last night. They are on my desk. I walk in and sit, looking at her. She is writing some equations on the board, and I wonder what it would feel like to hold her again. I wonder what she smells like today. I wonder what she-


"Hey, sorry, Erica. What's up?"

She gestures towards the floor, and I see a folded piece of paper. I had really zoned out.

I am reaching for it, and I hear the sound of heels. When I look up, Tammy has her hand outstretched. I look at Erica and back at Tammy, as if contemplating if I should give it or not, when really I don't have that option.

"Give it to me."

I say nothing to her, but give her the piece of paper. I wonder what Erica said in there. Why a note, and I am right next to her?

The rest of the class passes by uneventful, and I try to remain as quiet and focused as I can be. I want to get this right. Maybe I just haven't taken the time to really learn what was being taught to me before. I want to fix that. It's never too late.

The buzzer sounds, and Erica and I start our walk home.

"What was in the note that you couldn't just tell me?"

Erica cheeks flare up, so I know it must be something she is sensitive about.

"I just wanted to talk about what happened the other night over at your place."

I fall silent walking next to her.

"Hey, it was just a dare. It won't happen, again. Promise," I hold up my right hand over my heart, playfully, at her.

She just gives a shallow smile and says nothing. Well, what was she expecting me to say?

"Look, I'm not good at this, Erica. Is there something you want to talk about specifically?"

"Uh, no, no. It's ok. Just a dare. Got it."

She gives a smile, but I can see it is not a genuine one.

Thanks, Brian. You have done it. I may not have a friend anymore. Obviously, she is a little upset about something that she seems to want me to just magically know.

We reach her house, and she waves me off real quick. I don't even know what to make of this. It was a bad idea to invite her over to meet the troop.

I reach home, just drop everything, and pick up Tammy's work to start reading.
When I look at the window again, it's because outside is already losing its light. I put away what I am reading and stumble over something as I reach for my lamp. There, at my feet, some of the novels I've read before. I bend to pick them up, and one, specifically, catches my eyes. Her Sin. This is an erotic piece and lesbian.

I pick it up, smiling wickedly, and head out my door.

In the next two minutes, I am tapping at Tammy's door. It swings open, and I just stare at her. She doesn't move, like she won't invite me in.

"What do you want?"

"You sure you want to know that?"

That worked. She moves back inside, and I follow behind her. She reached her table, where she seemed to have been marking papers. She slides into her seat, and I stand beside her.

"I have something for you," I say.

She cocks her head to the side, looking up at me.

"Should I be worried?"

I giggle, "no, silly."

"Dani, I'm your teacher."

"Ok, fine. Here," I push the novel towards her, and that gets her smiling.

"Aww, thank you. Now this I cannot be mad at."

I pull a chair, and sit next to her.

"So, you were mad at me? Now I get why all the hostile treatment."

She shakes her head.

"Well, I'll let you get back to your work, Tammy."

"Wait, I have something for you as well."

She shuffles through some papers before her, "here," she gives me the note from today, only this time, it is opened.

"You read it? I thought when teachers collected stuff like this they just throw them away."

"Some, I do, but this one I wanted to see."


I look down, and read the short note. The reason why Erica is not so okay.

I get up to leave, and Tammy's voice stops me.

"What happened between you two?"

"Uh...uhm. A kiss."

"Just a kiss?"


"That must have been some kiss. Goodnight, Dani."

I can't even read her emotions. She shows none. The only thing clear in her statement is that she is dismissing me.

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