Dani POV

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The morning is here that I have been dreading. It's time to start my new school. Yay!

My mother will be dropping me off at school. It's like the worst first impression, but she wants it that way. It's best to just let her have her way. She yaps a lot.

Running through the door to her honking horn, I have my backpack in one hand and my wristband in the other.

I'm wearing long sleeves, a bright orange top, with black skinny jeans, and a pair of black ankle boots. My hair is in a messy ponytail, eyeliner, and studded wristbands.

The school is only two blocks away. I will, definitely, be walking home this evening. I don't need to be picked up, too. Tomorrow, I will just use my own car.

We make small talk on the way to school. Mostly, my mom is just trying to fill me in on her busy schedule while I just look out the window, taking in everything before me. Soon enough, the building that is definitely a school steals all other views.

I hop out before my mother can join me. There is no way I am being escorted inside. I can do bad all by myself. I head to the main office and get my schedule. I have a total of five classes today. The worst one in there is mathematics. It has always been my weakness. Algebra should be a sin.

Before long, I am more than halfway through. English literature, my favorite, history, and chemistry, are all out the way. Now, I am making my way to my least favorite, mathematics, and after I have geography, Soon, I can be out this hell hole.

I haven't made any friends yet. I feel like I don't want new friends. I feel like I just want my old friends to show up.

My notebook flies across the room as I am being knocked over by someone. I steady myself and reach for my book before turning to see who it is. There, before me, stands the most innocent looking face, with a half smile.


Who can even be mad at her? I smile at her.

"It's alright. Are you ok?"

She pushes her glasses higher on her nose and nods.

"Worst first day ever," she says with a heavy Spanish accent, which is a little sexy.

"Tell me about it. It's my first day, too."

She looks borderline nerdy, or is that her first day look? If so, I hope I don't have the first day look.

"Oh, really? Where are you from?" she asks.

"Not too far away, actually. From this same state, I was just living two hours away. What about you?"

We are both walking towards the middle of the classroom to take a seat opposite each other.

"Lucky you...I'm from Spain."

There goes the reason for her accent. I see her writing, and then she hands me a piece of paper with her number.

"Maybe we can discover more about this place together."

I take the piece of paper and slide it into my pocket.

"We can definitely do tha-"

"Good day, everyone. We have new students in our class, so we will review a little today."

I just stare at her, not believing what I am seeing. There, teaching my worst subject, is a beautiful woman. Taunt, honey skin, soothing brown eyes, with dapper looking attire. It is no other than Tammy Torres.

She reaches on her desk, no doubt looking for the names of the new students. I see her brows knit for a second, and then she scans the room. Her eyes meet mine, and I just twitch my brows.

"Let's welcome Dani Rain and Erica Love."

We stand and introduce ourselves for what seems to be the start of every new period.

I lean back in my seat and watch more than listen as Tammy reviews some material with us. Tammy doesn't really make any eye contact with me, and that's alright. I can tell she doesn't like me in her class, and I, definitely, don't like her subject. We're even.

Ms. TorresWhere stories live. Discover now