Dani POV

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The music is blasting, there's two empty boxes of pizza on the counter, and a bottle of alcohol is almost done, with another waiting on the sideline. We have been having such a great time. I feel like I don't want the night to end. It feels so good to have my three best friends here with me and Erica as well.

They have all hit it off. I see Brian trying to chat Erica up, but she seems to be more into the alcohol. Thank God she will stay the night. I think her parents would disown her if she goes home.

We have been dancing, chatting, and playing games. It's just a great time. I, personally, do not drink too much. I like to be aware. I have always been the designated driver when we would hang out. There's no driving involved tonight, but I am still the most sober.

Rican, the stud, hooks her arm around my neck and shouts to the others.

"It's that time, ladies and gentlemen. Truth or dare," she points at Erica, "this is not for the faint at heart."

Erica just grins, "I'm ready."

Oh, my. I hope she knows what she is signing up for. This bunch can get a little crazy.

The game starts, and there are a bunch of crazy dares and nasty truths. We are laughing so hard. It's back to Erica, and Brian doesn't hesitate.

"Make out with..." he is pointing with his index finger, and circling around us, and finally stops on me, "Dan."

I can see Erica isn't drunk yet because I catch her shy look. I just smile mischievously at her. I don't have a problem with the dare. I'm not the straight one here, but Brian could have, at least, picked someone else since I live in the same town as her.

The others are teasing her about being too shy, and the next thing I see is Erica on her hands and knees, making her way towards me. I place my hands on the floor behind me, leaning back somewhat, just looking at her, smiling.
She reaches next to me and sits, just looking at me, so I make the first move.
I slide close and stop just short of kissing her.


She doesn't reply, I only feel her very soft lips on mine. She gives soft kisses, and I let her take the lead for a little bit, and then I nip at her lip, and I tease her with the tip of my tongue. I feel her giving me the permission I need, and I deepen our kiss, our tongues dancing together. I can hear the others chanting, but that doesn't stop me. My hands, slowly, pull at her top, and I push up under. When my hand makes contact with her bare skin, a tiny moan escapes her lips, and I push my tongue further in her mouth, and she sucks. I cup her right breast and squeeze gently. I release her lips for both of us to catch some air, but I go straight to her neck, licking, and sucking my way down. I hear Erica call out my name, and I bring both hands behind her, quickly, unhooking her bra, and one hand slides to the front, under the now loose bra, cupping her bare left breast. I can feel her hard nipple in the center of my palm, and I bite down on her neck. My next hand is going to her waistband-

"Hey, hey, hey!"

I feel Brian pulling at my hand, and I snap back to reality that everyone is still here. This is the reason why I don't do alcohol. I'm in no way drunk, but it gives you that extra edge. I look across to Erica, and she just looks at me for a few seconds, her chest still heaving a little. She gets up and makes her way to the bathroom.

Well, I hope this doesn't ruin our new friendship.

As soon as she disappears, all my friends are over me, hi-fiving me about what just happened. I push them off laughing. They are a wild bunch.

I tell them that this is enough for one night and that we should just get some rest. Erica comes back out, and I feel bad. I feel like I have disrespected her and in front of my friends. I hope she doesn't think I'm like this always.

Surprisingly, she comes back to sit next to me.

"Are you ok, Erica? I'm sorry." I say to her.

She smiles and shakes her head, "it's ok. It was a dare. I'm good."

That makes me feel a little bit better. At least, she doesn't seem upset. I get up, and we spread our bedding on the floor, and soon enough, the entire house is quiet. I think I am the last to drift off to sleep.

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