Tammy POV

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Gina and I had a great time out. We had a facial, and then we shopped and had lunch. She is such a warm person, and I'm glad she moved next door. She seems like she will make a good friend.

It's now 3:34 p.m., and I have some free time, so I throw on my black bikini. I'm in the mood for a swim. I slide easily under the water, diving to the other side of the pool before I come up for air. I start doing laps back and forth across the pool. I'm confident I don't indulge in my pool as much as I should.

Breathing heavily from doing so many laps, I float unto my back and close my eyes as the sun is sending its rays down on me.

"Mind if I join?"

I'm startled, and I, quickly, wipe the water from my eyes that I splashed there myself.

I see the last face I want to see right now, smiling at me. I don't smile at her, I just swim to the edge of the pool.

"Have a go, I'm just about done anyways."

She is stripping as I'm making my way up the ladder. She blocks my path, hands on hips, and I have nothing to do, but look at her figure. Her skin is so pale, like she needs the sunlight. Her bikini hangs really low on her hips, and the red color is an extreme contrast against her skin. She takes a step down on the ladder and a single finger to the center of my chest, pushing me backward. I land with a splash, and she jumps in behind me.


"What language for a teacher to use against her student," she says, playfully.

"Oh, now you know I am your teacher, huh?"

I swim across the pool from her, but she swims up behind me. I don't want her close to me, so I pulse up on the side of the pool. That doesn't stop her, she swims right up to my knees, and her eyes go to my stomach.

"Healed?" She asks, as her finger traces over the now tiny, dark patch on my stomach.

I don't even answer, the butterflies are relentless. I must get rid of them. I push her, forcefully, back into the pool, she goes a little under the surface of the water. I swim away, laughing, and I hear her calling out my name, almost angrily.


I stop, and I see her coming in my direction. I start laughing, and trying to swim away from her, but the more she comes at me, the weaker I get because of laughing.

I feel her finger tips at my back, and I feel the moment they hook in my bikini top. I feel it sliding off because I don't want to stop. I swim to the edge, but I can't get out because she has them.

I stay in the same position, standing at the edge, but my back to her. I hear her laughing, and I am too, but a little bit nervous.

"Dani, give it back. I'm not playing."

I have one hand extended somewhat backward, while the other is covering my chest. She is giggling as she swims right up behind me.

"Or else?"

I can't help but giggle, "ok, I'm sorry. I'll do anything."

I feel Dani circling my waist with one hand, bringing her body against mine, and my giggling stops immediately.

"Dani, stop," I say, seriously.

She is taller than me, so she brings her lips right next to my ear.

"Let me put them back on. That's all I want."

My heart races, at the feel of her warm breath on my ear.

"Dani, stop playing."

"You said anything. I have stated what I want."

I feel her sliding my bikini top to the front of my body, and I push my chest against the wall of the pool. I close my eyes and try to hold on to keep my body flush against the wall. She tugs on either end of the top on either side of my body, and I have no grip since I am in the water, so she pulls me back into her body. Goosebumps rise on my skin, and I bite my lip as I feel her sliding my top up towards my breasts.

Even if I want to tell her to stop, no words come from my lips, and she is quiet behind me as well. She knots the first tie in the center of my back, and I try to keep my sanity as I feel her fingers brushing against me. She reaches forward and tries to find the strings for the tie at my neck. Her hand brushes against the side of my breasts, and I feel an electric shock coursing through my body. I can't help but react, I push my body flush against the wall again. I feel her pushing against me as well, and I feel her hands sliding up the front of my stomach up towards my chest. She reaches right below my breasts, but there is no more space for her to push higher.

"Give me some room," she whispers against my neck.

I feel her gently, pulling on my body, creating just a little room between my breasts and the wall, and she slides her palms up, and they brush against my breasts. My hard nipples tighten even more as I feel her palms slide against them, and I release a low hiss. She quickly pulls the strings around my neck and tie them in place.

"Done," she says, brushing her lips against my ear.

My eyes drift open at her touch, and I still can't form words yet. Since I am close to the ladder, I slip from in front of her, and I leave the pool. I rush straight indoors. I don't need another moment with her. I shouldn't have let her touch me. I shouldn't have reacted.

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