Dani POV

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Friday rolls around, and I'm in a great mood. My final class is now a free period, so I make my way to Erica's music class. Sometimes, like today, they can accept an audience when they are using the actual instruments, and I want to experience it. I used to like this at my old school.

As soon as she sees me enter, she flashes a smile my way. Well, today, someone is in a better mood. I'm glad I came. I really like her as a friend. I like her shy nature.

In between breaks, she calls me over to a corner and asks if she can come over after classes. Since I am happy she is feeling better towards me, I, quickly, accept.

When I turn my gaze from her, my eyes land on Tammy's. I didn't know she was here, too. I think, maybe, Erica and I look too intimate in this corner because she doesn't even smile at me. She turns and leaves the room. I tell Erica I will go pick up some of my books, and I follow Tammy.

She goes straight to her classroom. She sees me and tries to lock the door, but I am quick. I enter the room, and then I lock the door. She gets at her desk, and she is shuffling through her papers.

"Dani, I don't have time, I'm leaving. Did you want something?"

She's trying to act calm, but I can feel she is upset. I would be, too, if I were kissing her last night, and she would be in a corner with someone else today, but we can't be. Plus, Erica is just a friend.
I reach for her hand, and she shakes my hand away.

"I'm your teacher. Don't put your hands on me."

I don't know why, but I feel so angry. I'm trying to explain if she will only listen, but she is acting so emotionless, and I hate it. I know she feels something for me, I can't be crazy about that.

"Oh, and what were you last night, Tammy? I seem to remember kissing and being kissed by you. Was I only your student then?"

I know this is low, but she is being stupid.

"Fuck you," she spits out at me.

She pushes pass me, leaving her classroom door wide open.

Erica and I are in my room, and we have a little music going, and she seems to be happy again. I try my hardest not to think of Tammy, not to let today get to me.

Erica plops down next to me, "when will your friends come back? I had fun."

"Oh, you did, now? I think that was a little bit too much fun, and I don't know. I think it's safest if they stay where they are."

She chuckles, "well, speak for yourself. It was awesome."

She looks at me, and her cheeks are red. I know she is remembering what happened.

Next thing I know, her lips are against mines. I freeze for a second, but then I kiss her back. I can't feel all the things I want to feel with her kiss. I want to feel what I felt last night. Tammy's face floats in my mind, and I can't go through with it. I pull away.

"Erica, we can't do this. I will not be your curiosity. We are friends, and I want us to keep it that way."

From blushing to mad, she stands in front of the bed.

"How dare you say that to me, Dani? I'm not trying to live out my curiosity with you. I kissed you because I wanted to, not because I am curious."

"I'm sorry, Erica. Just friends."

She snatches her bag off the bed, and storms through the door.

Was she planning on more than a sleepover tonight? Does she believe there can be something between us? I hope not. I like Erica, but only as a friend.

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