Tammy POV

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I can't be any happier to see the sign indicating I have reached my destination. I know Dani must have been waiting for a while. I had a teachers' meeting after classes that I simply had to attend.

I hurry to the interior, and since Dani had shared the room number with me already, I head straight up. We are on the third floor. By the scene outside, I'm guessing we will have a beautiful view.
I reach our room, 305. I tap, lightly, but there is no response. I tap, again, still nothing. I try the door, and it is unlocked. Dani needs to be more careful.

I enter the room, and it is breathtaking, but what is even more beautiful is the woman asleep in the center of the bed. I lock the door and, carefully, make my way to the bed. I can't help but stare at her beauty. Her face looks fresh. Not even her signature eyeliner is visible today. She must have showered. My hand moves of its own accord and reaches out to trail my fingers through her ginger tresses. She stirs but doesn't wake up. As if it's someone else dictating my move, I climb in next to her and place light kisses all up the side of her neck. I can't help but notice the fading mark of what I had done to her before. I smile but continue kissing over it, right up to her ear.

"Don't tell me this is what you have planned for us."

Her eyes start to flutter open, and I reach her lips, kissing tenderly. This is the only pair of lips that has made me feel so many wonderful feelings.

She kisses me back, and I feel her pulling me on top of her. I slide over her and situate my body between her opened legs.

I take the lead this time. I feel this animalistic craving for her, and now that I know we are both safe, I want to take advantage of that. I slip her my tongue only briefly and pull back. I can feel her attempt at capturing my tongue. My hands slide down either side of her body, and then I push them up, slowly, under her T-shirt. I drag my nails with little pressure over her bare stomach, and she calls my name real low. I know it will show on her pale skin. As soon as my name leaves her mouth, I push my tongue at her, teasing hers, and she gives in. I capture her tongue and suck, gently, then release. My hands travel up further, and when my hands reach the undersides of her breasts, it is evident she isn't wearing any bra. I want to feel them against my palm. I run my palms over her breasts and squeeze gently. I feel her nipples harden under my touch, and I feel her lifting her hips into me. I lift my body away from her, not wanting to give her any satisfaction. I find and pinch the right nipple while I caress the left breast, and my kisses start on her neck. Her hand goes to the side of my body, and the same time, she wraps her legs around my body. I, slowly, release and slide both hands from under her T-shirt. I grab both her hands and push them on the pillow on either side of her head.

My face hovering over hers, smiling, "hello to you, too."

She looks at me with passion in her eyes, and I know she wants more, but she doesn't get that.

She tries to lift her hands, but I hold them in place, and I lift my body, causing her to release her legs from around me.


Leaning down, kissing her lips, "yes, Dani?"

She doesn't say anything. She just looks up at me for a while.

I kiss her lips, again, "tell me."

"Be my girl."

How does she expect me to answer that? What answer do I give to her? I can't. She is my student.

I release my hold on her and sit next to her. She gets into a sitting position as well, looking at me intently.

"Dani, I -I-"

"Like before, I want you to give me an honest answer. If I weren't your student, and I ask you to be my girl, would you?"

I feel like this is a trick question, but if I am honest, I would love her to be my girl, but our situation isn't typical.

She reaches for my hands and take them in hers, her thumbs grazing the back of my hands. I look at her, and she is looking at me, and I can see she is very sincere. I care about Dani, I really do, or I wouldn't be here, but we aren't supposed to be together. It can't be right.

She squeezes my hands, "be mine, Tammy."

The feelings I have in this moment and the adoration I see in her eyes make it impossible to lie to her. It makes me forget everyone and everything. I can only see her. I can only feel her.

"Yes, Dani."

The biggest smile I have ever seen claims her face, and in the next instance, I am in her embrace. There is no greater feeling than being official with Dani, even if it cannot be official.

We hug for a while, and then Dani jumps off the bed, telling me to go freshen up so we can have dinner as girlfriends for the very first time.

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