Tammy POV

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It's mid week, and I have done everything in my power to ignore Dani. She gives me these looks in the classroom, but I try not to even look at her.

I've noticed her and Erica getting close again. Maybe she is dating her now. Maybe it's for the best, but I can't help feeling a pinch each time I see them together.

My last class for the day is with Dani. They are coming in now. I just sit at my desk, marking some papers, because I have written on the board already.

In walks Dani and Erica, and I hear Erica telling her she'll be over after classes. 

I look up, and I see Dani just smiling back at her. I feel like I don't want her to smile at Erica. I feel like I don't want her to spend her time with Erica. I feel like these things should be mine. I look away and mentally scold myself for acting this way over a nineteen year old girl.

I explain to the class the work written on the board and go back to my desk. I steal a glance Dani's way, and she is just looking at me with the end of her pen in her mouth. I stare at her as she stares back at me. I'm the one to break contact.

After about thirty-five more minutes, the buzzer sounds, and students are leaving.
Erica has her arm hooked through Dani's, and they hand in their work together. I can feel Dani looking at me, but I refuse to look at her.

They leave, and the door closes behind them. I start packing my things when I hear the door again, and in walks Dani.

She walks up to my desk, and I don't stop gathering my belongings.

"Do you need something?"


That one word stops all movements for a few seconds, and then I shake my head. I can't give into this girl.

"Are you sure about that? Seems like you are more than okay without me."

I know this is childish, but I can't help how I feel at this moment.

I feel her arms around my torso, and I am crippled. I don't move. I, suddenly, don't know how to.

"I've missed you, Tammy. I can't stop thinking about you. What you see is just me going through the motions of what I must."

I'm just inhaling and exhaling deeply, not wanting to pay attention to how good it feels to have her touch. Not wanting to pay attention to all the butterflies trying to escape. I'm not trying to take in that familiar apricot fragrance.

She, slowly, turns me around, and now my ass is touching the edge of my desk. Her lips are on mine, and they have never tasted any sweeter and felt any softer than in this moment. I can't hold back, even if I try, so I kiss her back. It feels like home to have her touch, have her kiss, to be tasting her lips, again.

My hand goes to her back, and I pull her closer into me, and she, swiftly, lifts me, putting me on the edge of the desk.

She moves in, her body lodged between my legs, kissing the corners of my lips. In between kisses, she's telling me just how much she misses me. She is driving me crazy with her lips, as they are now traveling along my neck really slow. I feel her bite and suck, and in this moment, I refuse to stop her. I know she won't leave any evidence of our meeting on me.

As her lips are back on mine, I feel her hands at my waistband, and she is pulling my shirt from my pants. I grab at her hands to stop her, but she captures both of mine in hers and holds them in place together with one hand while she continues to pull at my shirt.

"Dani, please..." I say on a whisper.

She releases my hands, and I don't fight with her anymore. She is unbuttoning my shirt. Her lips are moving slowly from my neck up to my ear.

"Grand Escape Resort. This weekend. Say yes," she whispers in my ear before licking along my ear lobe.

Her fingers are on my bare stomach working their way up, and I'm losing all control.

"I-I can't, Dani."

I feel her hands at the back of my bra, and with one swift move, I feel them loosen, as she is biting her way down my neck.

"Come with me, Tammy. Say yes."

She brings one finger to the front of my bra and pulls, and it hangs loosely between us. My very hard nipples are on display, and my breathing is anything but normal. I feel her kisses traveling to my shoulder and lower, heading to my chest.

"Dani, stop. I can't," I say breathlessly.

She kisses down to my breast, and she starts kissing around the left breast, avoiding the nipple, teasing me.

"Say yes."

She blows her warm breath on my very hard nipple before she takes just the tip between her teeth. She flicks her tongue over the tip between her teeth, and a loud moan escapes my lips. I push into her, and she takes it fully in her mouth, sliding her tongue back and forth, as she sucks my hard nipple into her mouth.

"Fuck," I grip the sides of my desk, and her fingers pinches the opposite nipple, while sucking on the left.

"Yes, Dani... Yes, I'll go."

She has gotten her answer, and she slows her torture on me, releasing the nipple, and kissing to the center of my chest, upward to my neck, and finally my lips. I kiss her with everything in me. I'm done holding back how I feel for her. She breaks the kiss, smiling at me, as she steps back, watching me trying to fix my clothing. I look at her all this time, and I know I'm teasing her, but I refuse to shy away from her. She steps towards me, and I place a single finger in the center of her chest, stopping her from doing anything else. I can still see the passion in her eyes, but this isn't the place. I have gone too far already. As soon as my clothes are properly back in place, she walks backward towards the door.

"Bye, Ms. Torres."

My cheeks turns red to her referring to me like that.

She giggles and leaves.

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