Tammy POV

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Just a few more hours, and I'll be in the new destination with Dani, and I can't wait. I feel like it has been too long since I last touched and tasted Dani. I feel like I am going crazy, seeing her, and not being able to have her. Each time I see her in my class, I get butterflies. I remember the exact way in which she pleased my body. I remember how I had to beg her to stop. I remember the taste of her, and it only drives me mad.

I reach home to get my bag, and I stop to collect my mails before going inside. I, quickly, sift through them, but one mail in particular catches my eyes.

I flip it open, and as I read, I sink to the stool behind me. This can't be happening now. How do I even react to this news now? Do I tell her? Do I accept? Do I forget? This changes everything for us.
I pick up my bag with a heavy heart now and head out the door. One thing is certain, I must talk to her about it.

An hour and forty minutes later, I am at Hut Haven. I don't even stop to admire the beautiful scene in front of me. I just go straight to our room, as I know Dani is there already.

Just like before, she lays sleeping on the bed. I climb in behind her, and I just hold her close to me. Something tells me things might change.

I wake her by placing kisses all along her arm. She smiles, and I pull her close. I need this moment with her before we talk. We hug and kiss for a while, and then I go silent. I know she knows something is wrong.

"Will you tell me what it is?"

I move off the bed, unzip my bag, and hand her the mail.

She reads, and when she is finished, she throws the envelope on the bed.

"How long have you known, Tammy?"

I don't know what to make of her voice. It's not harsh, but it's not kind either.
I move towards her, and she only pulls away.

"How long, Tammy?"

"Dani, I just got it today. I don't want you to think that I have known for a while, and just didn't say anything."

"Well, too late, because if you had applied to teach somewhere else, I think you must have had all intentions of moving. How did that slip you to mention to me? Is this just a game to you, Tammy?"

"Dani, I applied for this over six months ago. They had replied, already saying they didn't have any vacancy. I thought for sure that was it, which is why I never really mentioned it to you. Do you think if I had known I would move, I would have done this?"

Dani just looks upset now.

"Oh, so you are moving? There's no discussing this, right? How stupid can I be? Here I am, in love with a woman who has applied for a job in another state, not even a town over, but another state, and she didn't think to tell me. You are just plain heartless, Tammy."

Dani snatches her bag from the floor. I run to her, holding her back.

"Get your hands off me, Tammy. You have your new job waiting. Don't let some kid hold you back."

I can see there is fire in her eyes, and she just walks out the door.

I fall back on the bed, and the tears just start flowing. Why now? What do I do? Dani didn't even allow us to talk about how we can work around this. She's just so upset, like I did it intentionally. Even if I want us to work around this, how could we? Like she said, it's another state. She has school going on. I can't just expect her to leave with me. I know her mother won't allow that.

This is the job I have always wanted. This is at a private school, and the pay and benefits are so much better. I will be teaching poetry there. It's something near and dear to my heart. It's something I've always wanted to do. I applied because I was hired on just a part-time basis at this current school. I was looking forward to this job. I wanted the change. It was fresh after my divorce. Now, I don't know. Now, there is Dani. 

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