Dani POV

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It's almost time for me to go to Tammy's house. I feel like all I have been doing all morning is think of her. I remember the feel of her. I remember the hissing sound she made that she probably thought I didn't hear. I remember the feel of her hard nipples against my palms. I remember how her hair smelled like apples when I leaned in close. I remember how she couldn't even look at me. I remember the awesome view of her backside when she left the pool. Everything is just too clear in my mind's eyes.

I know I shouldn't have done that. I wasn't intending to, but I don't know what came over me. Each time I am around her, I get these feelings of wanting to touch her, smell her, and have her. Gosh, I feel like I want the taste and all that comes along with that woman. I know to have a taste would be sinful, though. She is my teacher, and something tells me that if I have a taste, I won't want just one.

I snatch my book off my bed and head over to her place. She said I should come at 3:00 pm. Now, it's just 2:37 p.m., but I don't want to wait anymore. I won't do anything today, but I am ready to see her. I don't feel the need to deprive myself of that any longer.

I am on the deck, but I don't see her, so I tap at her back door. Soon enough, it swings open. She looks a bit surprised.

"Don't worry, you aren't late, I'm early," I say, heading in the direction of her kitchen.

She has a mitten on one hand, and I smell cookies. It seems like she has just transferred them from the oven to a plate, and I reach for one.

She comes next to me, "did I say you could have any?"

I grin at her, biting into my first cookie. These are chocolate chips and even more delicious than the first batch she gave to us.

"Too late. Plus, I know the cookie is mine," I say, winking at her.

She moves away quickly, and she goes to put the mitten away.

"I'll be back," she says, heading in the direction of what seems to be her bedroom.

I'm assuming she is getting her books for our first session.

A few minutes later, she is making her way back, and I just look at her, not even hiding my stare. She is wearing a pink off the shoulders top and denim shorts. She is looking good. She always does.
She sees me looking, and she holds my gaze for a while, then she bites her lower lip. I smile at her, letting her know I see that.

She sets her books down on the counter and sits on a bar stool next to me. I reach for another cookie and push one in her direction, too.

"Sharing what's mine. That's so you," she says.

"Be nice. I'm sharing."

She giggles, taking the cookie from me.

"Now you will have me working out twice as hard."

"Damn! For one cookie?"

"It starts with one cookie, Dani."

"Well, I don't know who the moron is that is filling your head with nonsense, but they need to stop. You are gorgeous. Your body is amazing."

I see the very evident blush on her cheeks.

"I'm not trying to hit on you, Tammy, but you seriously need to chill with that," I continue.

She looks at me directly in the eyes, "thank you, Dani."

"So, you gonna tell me who it is?"

"Who is who?"

Reaching for a final cookie, "the moron who made you scared of cookies?" I say.

She giggles, and it's the sexiest I've heard.

"No! The only thing I am telling you about are these math equations."

We settle into our first session, and she is explaining so many different things to me. She backtracks a little, so I don't feel so confused. Quite frankly, I'm doing fine keeping up with her. I guess I never looked at it quite this way before.
She is asking me a question, but I am focused on the discolored patch on her left shoulder. I can't help but remember the very first time I saw it. Now, it's right here in front of me.

She lifts her head up at me, "are you even listening to me?"

I just stare at the patch. It looks like a perfect rectangle. My finger reaches out and outlines it.

"Is this a scar? How did you get it?"

I feel her go stiff under my touch, but I don't want to stop touching her.

"Uh, uhm," she tries to move her shoulder, "it's not. It's a birthmark."

My eyes finally reach hers, and I stare intently.

"It's beautiful. It looks perfect in shape."

She puts down her pen and then shifts in my direction.

"Dani, you can't talk to me like this. I am your teacher. Can we please remember that?"

"Talk to you like what, Tammy? Giving you my honest opinion? When has that ever been wrong?"

"Dani, it's Ms. Torres, and just keep them to yourself."

I look at her daringly, "there's so much more that I can say that is honest, but I choose not to, and you're scolding me because I say it is beautiful?"

"Dani, I'm not scolding you. I'm just asking for-"

"What if I say you are beautiful? What if I say you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen? What if I say how sexy I find your dimples each time you smile? What if I say I wish you weren't my teacher? What if I say I can't get yesterday out of my head? What if I say I can still feel you nipples against my palm? What if I say I want to taste your li-"

Two fingers go to lips to silence me.

"Shhh, please..."

I remove them, but don't let go. I pull her closer to me as I lean in closer to her.

"What if I just taste them?" I say before closing the gap between our lips.

Her lips are the most perfect pair of lips I have kissed. They fit perfectly against mine, and they are the sweetest. I kiss her tenderly, and at first, she tenses, but as one hand cups her cheek, I feel her kissing me back. I kiss her softly at first, but my desire grows for her so quickly. I nip at her lip, and something like a sigh escapes as I feel her tongue tease my lower lip. This makes me crazy, and I stand, not releasing her lips, and my hand goes to her waist, while one leg is being pushed between hers as she is sitting. She does that thing with her tongue again, and this time, I catch it with mine. I bite down on her lower lip, and she calls out my name. I gently release her lips. Both of us are breathing heavily. Eyes closed, forehead pressed against each other.

"Go home," comes out a little breathless from her.

I don't want to, but I know it's the right thing to do. I move away, slowly turn, and walk towards her door.

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