Dani POV

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I don't want to leave the comfort of Tammy's bed and arms, but I need to get back home before my mother finds out I haven't slept home. I kiss her cheek, and she stirs, but then settles down again.

A minute later, I'm entering my house through the back door, and as soon as I turn to lock the door, light floods the room.

"How long have you been sneaking out?"

Damn it! This is not what I want right now, but I know there is no getting around this. I know she will not stop until she has all the answers she is looking for.

"Mom, can we not do this right now? This is the first time."

I try to walk past her, and she pulls at my arm.

"Come back here," I feel her spinning me, examining me, and that's when I remember Tammy sucking on my neck last night.

"Dani? Tammy did this?"

I just look at her without replying, and she gets red in the face.

"This is unacceptable. She is your teacher, Dani. Do you know the trouble she could be in?"

"I know, mom, and I won't let anyone know. This was not supposed to happen. It won't happen again."

"Well, that's the first thing you said that made some sense. Dani, you will not be going over to Tammy's anymore. I expect you to abide by that."

"You can't do that! You're acting like she is taking advantage of me. I know what I'm doing," I shout at her.

"Dani, will you get your head out of your ass for a minute? I'm not saying anything like that. All I am saying is if you two really want a relationship with each other, it will have to be after you're done with school."

I storm away from her, not wanting to accept the things she is saying to me.
I shower and just head straight to my bed.

About two hours later, I'm awoken by the ringing of my phone.

"You're mom is right. This needs to stop."

I am fully awake now, "did she talk to you?"

"She did, Dani, and it's for the best."

"You can't tell me that, Tammy. You can't tell me you don't feel anything for me. You can't tell me you are truly ok with us not seeing each other."

"Dani, it's for the best."

"Tammy, tell me you don't have feelings for me."

There is a pregnant pause, and after that, the line goes dead. That's my answer right there. She does care. She wouldn't allow me to get so close to her if not.

As I set down my phone, tears flowing from my eyes. I just know she will listen to my mother. I just know she will try to forget about me, and that's not what I want.
I curl up in a ball and cry for a long time. They just ruined my weekend. I was feeling so great this morning, and, now, I feel like I will not know happiness again.

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