Tammy POV

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Taking a plate filled with cookies, I make my way next door and knock a few times. I've noticed we have new neighbors, and I want to welcome them. After a few seconds, the door swings open. I just stare, sure my mouth is hanging open.

"I-uh-uh, I-," I push the cookies in her direction, "for you. Welcome to the neighborhood."

She is just standing there, with the biggest smile on her face. Dani Rain. The mole under her lower lip seems to be illuminating. I rub my hands together, not sure what to do with them. In the next instance, I'm wrapped in a hug. Just as quickly it is gone.

"Thank you, these will come in handy," she steps aside, "come in."

I shake my head, "that's alright. I'm sure you have a lot to get done, I'll just head back. I just wanted to say hi."

She opens the door wider, "don't be silly, come in."

I walk past her into what I think should be the living room. I saw the layout of some of these homes when I was looking for mine. They are pretty similar, actually. There are a few boxes still not touched, while others are already half empty.

"This way."

She leads me to the small bar in the kitchen/dining area. She pours two glasses of milk and unwraps the cookies, pushing the plate between us. She bites into one, taking half into her mouth at once, eyes closed as she is chewing.

"Mmm, if I ever smell anything baking from my window, you will have a visitor. These are delicious."

Smiling at her, "well, thank you, but I don't bake cookies a whole lot. Women like me can't be having too much sweets," I say, playfully, hinting at my weight.

"If you don't want sweets, because you need to be no sweeter, I understand, but if that is because of your weight... "
She hands me a cookie.

Trying not to blush, I accept the cookie. She grabs another and finishes it before I could get half of mine done.

I pull the plate, playfully, away from her.

"Now, I know there are more of you living at this address."

She laughs, and it just makes me look at her intently. Her hair is different from when I first met her. Her ginger hair is now hanging loosely down her back. She is just wearing a white T-shirt, with ripped denim shorts. She has icy blue eyes. A cute nose ring, and that mole is the only one on her entire face. It appears so black, maybe, it's because her skin is so pale. She has a very thin choker around her neck and a very visible heart and skull tattoo wrapping around her left thigh. She has this semi punk look to her. She isn't extreme with it. As opposed to yesterday, she isn't wearing any makeup except for eyeliner, which only makes her icy blues even more prominent.

"Well, there is only one more of me left. My mom. She is hardly at home, so good luck with meeting her."

She takes the plate off the counter and smiles at me, taking another cookie before she stores the rest in the only appliance in the kitchen, the microwave. Something tells me this is where she has been having her first few meals.

Shaking my head at her, "be lucky you're young. Your ass would be fat if you're my age and eat like that."

She comes back, grinning, and finishing her cookie.

"Pfft. How old are you, anyway?



She places a hand over her heart and acts as if though she is in pain. I get up quickly, but she starts grinning.

"Thirty-two never looked this good."

Definitely not being able to hide this blush, I walk towards the door.

"Maybe, one day, I'll meet the head of this household. Take care, and save her some cookies."

She walks behind me to the door, "I'll try."

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