Dani POV

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It's a quarter pass two, and I feel like Tammy and I have tried every water sport there is. I feel drained, and by the look of things, I feel like she is, too. I lay back on the sand and close my eyes. I feel like I can just sleep right here. I never thought I would feel so tired after having so much fun.

I feel cool lips on mine, and I smile into the kiss.

"Let's go back to the room."

I open my eyes and wink at her, "I like the sound of that."

She giggles, "as if you can do anything right now."

We both laugh because we both know she is right.

She pulls me up off the sand, and when we reach our room, I walk straight into the shower. I don't even wait for Tammy. As soon as I get out, in just a complimentary robe, I climb in bed. I can't even tell what time Tammy joined.


I turn and touch on Tammy. She is still sleeping. I can see the light from outside is fading. It gives a perfect illumination in the room. I check my phone, it's 5:43 pm.

My hand slides to Tammy's body, and I pull her close, kissing the exposed skin at the V of her chest and neck. I hear her mumble something, and I know she is awake now. I drag my tongue up her neck, and she moans. It sounds so sexy because her voice is still heavy from sleep. I bite, gently, and tease it with my tongue. I feel her pulling me on top of her. I kiss along her jawline and, finally, meet her lips. I brush my lips over hers, and I can see she wants my lips on hers, but I want to tease her. I hover my lips just over hers, and she reaches up, lips parted, and I pull away. I feel her grip on me tightens, and I lick the center of her lips, teasing her.


That one word heightens my desire for her. I trail my tongue along her lower lip and move to the upper lip, kissing. As soon as my lips are on hers, she teases me with her tongue. She knows how much I like that. Without breaking the kiss, I lift my body off her, and my hand slips between us, pulling at the tie at her waist. It comes undone instantly. I settle my body back to hers, and I feel her hands at my ass, pulling me into her. My kisses start trailing down the side of her neck, and I grind into her. Her breath hitches, and I do it again. She pushes back at me while pulling me into her. I'm, alternately, licking and kissing my way to her collar bone. I feel her hands between us, and I feel my robe gets loose. I feel her tugging at the edges, and I lift a little to allow her, and when my bare skin touches against hers, I whisper along her shoulder.

"I want you."

She arches her back to the feel of skin to skin contact, and I slide my hard nipples over hers as I lace our fingers together. I hold her hands down on the bed as I slide lower, kissing down her chest. I kiss my way down the center of her breasts, totally avoiding them, and I feel her lift a little.


I know she wants my lips on them, but this will happen my way. When I reach her tummy, I trail my tongue down the center and place gentle bites, zigzagging my way back up her tummy. I reach the underside of her left breast, and I lick from there to the center, but stop before I reach her nipple. I can see how hard it is. I know what it needs. I abandon that one and kiss my way to the other. I suck the underside, definitely, leaving my mark there. I kiss around and blow my breath on the hard nipple. Her back lifts from the bed, wanting me to claim her nipple. I kiss back to the other side and, instantly, suck it into my mouth. I twirl my tongue around her nipple and suck. I release and slide to the next side, biting this nipple, gently.


This time, my name comes out even huskier than before.

I release her hands and cover her mouth with one hand as I bite down a little forcefully on her tender nipple. She cries out and bites into my hand covering her mouth, and I release, placing small kisses around her nipple. I slide lower, kissing my way down her body, as I uncover her mouth. Kisses are going south, and my hands follow, dragging my nails over her skin. I kiss down to right above her pussy, and stop. She lifts her hips at me, and I kiss on top of the left thigh, slowly, kissing to the inner thigh. She can't hold back, she spreads her legs, and I look up at her. I kiss, intimately, close to her pussy, and then shift to the other inner thigh.

"Dani, please..."

This one comes out as a whimper.

I blow again, this time over her soaking wet pussy. Her breath hitches, and she lifts her hips, again.

"Look at me, Tammy."

She looks down at me, biting her lip, and without missing a beat, and not breaking eye contact, I send my first lick along the entire slit of her pussy.

Her eyes close, and her head falls back against the pillow, and a moan escapes her lips. I lick, slowly, up and down, and I know she wants more. I part her lips with my fingers, and run my tongue from her entrance right up to her clit.


Her hand is gripping the bed, and she is rotating her hips for more. I hold her hips in place, allowing me to set the pace. I continue to tease her, and, finally, I suck her swollen clit into my mouth, and that's when I feel her hands in my hair. She is holding my head there, and I know she doesn't want me to stop. I suck and release her clit. I tease it with my tongue, and I push her hands away. I, quickly, slide up her body claiming her lips, while pushing one leg between hers, causing our pussies to kiss. She, instantly, pushes up against me, and I push back into her, releasing her lips. I pick up one leg, and I slide my dripping wet pussy back and forth against hers. I hold on to her leg to set the right pace. I start grinding against her slow and hard, and she is panting. I know we won't take long to cum. I kiss and bite on her calf as I thrust faster and harder into her pussy. I can feel how wet we both are, and it only accommodates the grinding even better. I look down at her, and her eyes are closed, her breasts are bouncing, and I feel her grip on my ass pulling me even harder against her. I speed up even more, and I can feel I am so close to cumming.


I feel her nails sink into the flesh of my ass, and I know she, too, is close. I reach down with one hand, and pinch her nipple and twist, while I grind my pussy as fast and hard as I can into hers. I hear her cry out the same time I do, and I feel her legs start shaking. My body, too, is vibrating. I fall forward, beside her, as my body weakens, and I still rub my pussy against hers. My body gets too weak for anymore movement, and I just lay there.

After a few seconds of us just giving in to our limber bodies, I feel her slide her body from under me, and I feel her licking up the back of my leg. She kisses her way up over my ass, along my back, and I feel like I still can't move. My breathing still hasn't returned to normal.

She licks at my ear, and whispers, "I'm not done with you yet."

I can't even reply, and I feel her moving down my body, again.

In no time, Tammy has me cumming, again. She does incredible things to my body, and it feels like we have been making love for hours. This is the most pleasure my body has ever received, and it feels like neither of us can get enough.
There is no way I'm letting go of this woman...I don't care what obstacles I may face.

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