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Dear readers,
Hello, welcome to Innocent as Charged. If the title is weird for you it's a spin on the saying guilty as charged. There will be mild (with exception of one instance) swearing, a fair amount of violence (animal fights mostly), and a few sex references (but nothing too mature). All rights reserved. Enjoy!

P.S. My (imaginary 😅) boyfriend said he had to write this.

Dear copyright breakers,
All ideas here are my girlfriend's. If you dare copy them, I will not find you and kill you, but I will file a lawsuit unless you repent and give up saying they're your ideas. This means everything in the book, apart from dumb stuff like the name of countries and the names of interstellar planetary bodies.

P.P.S. I (WOR) have no idea what he means by "interstellar planetary bodies".

Started: March 2019

P.P.P.S. Random afterthought - There is a fair amount of gore in some of the fight scenes, at the beginning. I will place this symbol (》》》) at the start and end of each one that I would consider gory.

© 2019 Black_panther31 All rights reserved

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