Chapter 25

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His eyes are flicking between yellow and green but I know it's Isaac, not Nate, who defends me. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I'm safe.

"Excuse me?" The guard questions.

"You heard me the first time, " he growls. "Leave."

Both guards retreat a step at Isaac's tone; he's still their Alpha even if they work under the Praetorian.

"Yes Alpha." They chorus in unison, leaving the room, closing the door behind them, their bodies shaking slightly.

Isaac is also shaking, though more from anger then fear, his fury seeping through the bond to me.


He turns and throws his arms around my neck, inhaling my scent, calming himself and Nate down.

"I'm not letting them take you this time."

"What changed?"

"Your nightmare. It made me realise just how much it hurts you for me to keep letting you go. How much it hurts to do that to my mate." He answers. "And I'm going to keep saying it Iz: I'm sorry."

"Isaac -"

"No Iz. You can't deny that what I did was wrong. Just let me make it up to you."

"Okay." I give him a small smile and he kisses me gently, our lips moving on perfect unison. Something in my mind changes as we kiss, as if a wall has been removed, and I can feel the mental connection between us strengthen.


Iz? Is that you?

Yes, it's us.

"It's worn off. Finally." He gives me a cheerful smile and I can't help laughing.

What happened to Carrie? Jack asks.

"We managed to restrain her. She's currently in the cells awaiting interrogation."

"She's a child!" I protest.

"She's a vampire," he retorts. "She is a threat to both you and the Pack. We have no idea how old she is, nor why she's even here. We can't just let her walk free."

We're watching the interrogation.

Jack. I'm not condoning torture.

"We're not going to torture her. It's fine Iz."

"But what if she refuses to talk?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." He sighs. "If that does happen then ... then just remember she is not a child, she merely looks like one."

"Isaac - "

"No Iz. I will do whatever it takes to protect you and this pack," he snaps. "I've already contacted Matthew and Xander who are on their to the cells as we speak. It's up to you if you're going to join us."

We're coming.

Jack - wait! I can't condone -

"I said that we're not going to torture her unless she refuses to talk. And she will."

"How can you be so sure?"

Jack takes control of my body, forcing me to follow Isaac.

Wait! Stop!

What is it now? Jack growls, impatient.

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