Chapter 17

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I am woken by a feather light kiss on my cheek and I groan in complaint, rolling away from Isaac.

"Come on, lazy. Get up."

"No." I continue to move away from him when I feel the edge of the bed behind me and I freeze; I'm trapped. Great. He laughs at my predicament.

"You know you want to."

"No, I don't."

"Fine, you leave me no choice." Wait, what?

He flings off the covers, leaving me exposed and I curl up onto a ball, trying to shield myself from the sudden loss of warmth. I know I'm naked but I don't care; he saw me last night. His fingers brush against my bare arm and I drop my guard, relaxing under his touch, something he uses against me at once. Isaac picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, taking me to the closet, and picking out some clothes for me. I hammer on his back in protest.

"Put me down."

"As you wish love," he says, placing me on the floor gently and I reach for the clothes but he holds them away from me. I jump up and down, trying to get them but he easily stops me getting them, hanging them above his head.

"Give. Them. To. Me."

"One condition."

"What?" I say, exasperated from constantly jumping for my clothes.

"One kiss."

"Fine." I give Isaac a small peck and grab for the clothes but he holds them behind him, out of reach.

"A proper kiss Iz."

"That was one!" I growl.

"Look me in the eye and tell me that's true." I sigh in frustration.

"Really? Can't you just give me my clothes?"

"Not without a morning kiss."

I cradle his cheeks and plant my lips on his without hesitation; as much as Isaac drives me nuts I still love him and he's still my mate. He reciprocates, dropping the clothes but I don't break the kiss, no longer caring about my clothing state or his. His hands become tangled in my hair, mine similarly occupied in his own.

A deep feeling of contentment settles inside my chest and I smile into the kiss. However, there is also a tightness from a lack of oxygen and I pull away gasping for air. He smirks at me and I give him a gentle smack on his bare chest.

"I thought you loved me."

He holds his hand to his heart as if I've actually hurt him. I laugh and grab my clothes from the floor. I take one look at the underwear and sigh. He chose the lingerie. Why am I so surprised? I turn to him to he's checking out my behind. I snap my fingers to get his attention.

"I thought you loved me for more than my body."

He just smirks and I quickly change, wincing at the pain in my lower abdomen. Isaac growls appreciatively at what I'm wearing.

"You look beautiful."


"I'm not lying. You are beautiful. You're lying to yourself." He buries his head in my neck, inhaling my scent, his arms coming round my waist. "Let me compliment you."

"Fine. Now get changed."

"As you wish my lady." He mock bows then goes to the closet and changes. When he comes out I glare; he's literally wearing shorts. That's it.

"No shirt or socks? No modesty?"

"I'm going to shift anyway."


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