Chapter 22

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Isaac's POV
I hate myself. I let the Praetorian take her without putting up a fight. My own mate.

You screwed up.

I know! Just shut up. You're not helping.

Isaac -

Nate, unless you have any ideas, be quiet.


I wish I could talk to her but I can't since stage two of the suppressant set in. I hate it. I hate this feeling of guilt in my chest.

You could break her out.


Why not?

It's wrong.

And so is leaving her alone for no reason other than the pathetic one the Praetorian gave you.

What did I say about being quiet?

She's our mate Isaac! What the hell are you doing? We both know the Praetorian isn't going to let her go any time soon; she's not going to give him what he wants, not if I know her. We are going to rescue her. Now.



SHUT UP! You think I don't know what you're saying?! I hear you, but I can't break her out. The Praetorian will just have his suspicions confirmed that Iz is not who we say she is.

And? The Praetorian is not the leader of this pack, you are. What you say, goes.

I'm going to check up on Carrie, I remark, changing the subject.

What about Iz? Are you just going to -

I block out Nate. He thinks I don't feel guilty? It's eating me up inside. I love her but I can't go against the Praetorian. I can't stop him. Or he'll tell everyone what happened.
Getting up from the bed, I exit the room to go and find Gwen, who I know has Carrie with her.

I have barely opened up my mind to the pack link when I am bombarded by the frantic voice of Gwen, desperately asking where Carrie is.

What? I thought you were looking after her.

The Praetorian took her. He said she was trespassing and was to be locked up. I tried to resist but -

It's okay. I'm going to get her back. In the meantime, can you tell Xander to meet me at the interrogation block?

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