Chapter 6

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The next few days are spent in fear of the heat.

However, when two days have passed and it still hasn't come, I start to relax. By the time a two more days have passed, I'm no longer sure if it's coming at all. All she-wolves experience it when they find their mate usually in the week or two weeks after meeting them but the way I'm going, I'm going to skip out entirely.

You're lying to yourself, Jack says, sighing in annoyance.

But what if there's something wrong with me and I can't have a heat?

There is nothing wrong with you. You're deceiving yourself. It's impossible for you not to have it. It's never happened in history, don't think you'll be the first.

Jack -

No, lying to yourself is only going to get up your hopes which will make it so much worse when it does come. I am only trying to help you.

By getting rid of all hope?

What hope? I see only lies. Isaac thinks the same as me.

Isaac has visited me diligently everyday, both of us enjoying each other's company. We learn a great deal about one another, like favourite foods and about his family, of which he has a large one. He has 3 siblings, two younger brothers, one older sister, and more cousins than he count on both hands. His parents sound like the ideal parents, caring for him and his siblings without regrets or cruelty. My heart aches for the childhood I never had, for what he had. I haven't told him what my father did to me, although both him and Jack have pushed me to. He has no idea.

"There's another problem coming up Iz - other than your heat I mean," he starts.

"What is it?" I snap.

"I have to leave the pack, starting tomorrow, for a couple of days to ... fulfil Alpha duties."

"Right." My thoughts drift to the only issue my mind is preoccupied with. "But what about my heat?"

"Um ... If necessary I can have you sedated or something while I'm away. That will delay the heat." He seems very unsure of his words, stumbling through the sentence and not meeting my eyes.

"Fine. Whatever." 

After he leaves, me and Jack discuss the prospect of his leaving.

He's lying Isobel.

But it could be our only chance to escape if he's not.

I'm still not convinced Iz. If it goes wrong ...

We have nothing to lose if we fail.

And you lose a chance at a new life if you leave.

A new life?What sort of life is this? I state, my voice full of bitterness.

Then let's do it. I have no intention of saying her any longer than absolutely necessary if you don't want to. We do it tomorrow. And let me handle it. 


The silver chains chafe my skin, breaking it so my wrists are constantly bleeding until Isaac visits, always bringing bandages to bind up my cuts and burns. Despite his pleas, I refuse to give up fighting them, hoping if I try for long enough, they will break and I can escape. I need to feel the fresh air on my face again, the wind in my fur, the grass under our paws; I hate being chained up, trapped here, no matter that this is the only way to see Isaac. If I get the chance to flee, I'm taking it.

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