Chapter 42

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"Are you ready to do this, love?" Isaac asks.

"I have to do this or I'll never be free."

"I know, but we can delay this if we need to," he replies, kissing my forehead.

"On what grounds? No Isaac, we have to go through with this. This is the only way."

"Very well then."

Me and my mate are standing outside the National Pack Courtroom, a courtroom for sentencing people whose crimes are associated with multiple packs, like myself, and wish to call upon an unbiased court for an appeal.

However, that is not the only reason we're here; Gwen revealed to us that she's what's known as a fury, beings created by the gods to chase down and punish criminals. Due to this, her instincts prevent her serving Isaac again until they are satisfied I am either sufficiently punished or innocent. At her behest, and out of a sense of self preservation, we went along with her idea, hoping that it would also remove our exile laid on us by my old Pack Alpha.

However, neither of us fully understood the legal procedures of a court, meaning that if we were to win the case, we needed help. We were about two weeks through analysing the legal documents to appeal my sentence of banishment when Isaac remembered Xander's degree in law.

"Why didn't you mention this earlier?"

"I forgot?" He replied sheepishly and I sighed.

After that, it was lot easier, Xander guiding us through the legal procedure, even going so far as to offer representing me in court.

"You would do that for me?"

"Of course Luna. You do not deserve the sentence given to you."

Leading us to today.

"Remember Iz, you're going to be fine. Trust Xander. He knows what he's doing." Giving me a final kiss on the head, he hugs me tightly, resting his chin on my crown. "I love you."

I love you Nate. Annoying bastard you may occasionally be, I love you.

Awwwe. Thanks Jack.

Shut up and stop making me all mushy inside.


Nate kisses us deeply, desperately even, until he is forced to release us when Xander enters the room, a folder of notes in his hand, accompanied by a guard.

Go get them Killer.

Killer? I ask Jack, laughing.

I'm not explaining.

"We should go," Xander says quietly, not wanting to interrupt us.

Me and Isaac both nod in affirmation and pull away from eachother, his hands slipping out of my grasp, unable to do anything but exchange a brief moment of eye contact as we go our separate ways, Isaac following the guard - he is not allowed to attend the trial or have contact with me during it. However, my allergy to wolf suppressant means that it has to be administered to him instead.

I'm sorry Isaac.

Don't be. It's not your fault you're allergic.

I know, but -

No Iz, it is not your fault.

Thankyou Isaac.

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