Chapter 4

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I stare dumbly up at him. Isaac and his wolf have tried to kill me once already and he somehow thinks we're not going to be somewhat wary of him. Granted, it was before he knew I was his mate, but if I wasn't he would have killed us for certain. He sighs.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Stroking my head with one hand, his body emits a vast quantity of warmth and I unconsciously lean against hia body, relishing the heat against my still damp, cold fur. Our eyes meet and I feel both of us tense and our eyes flick away from each other before it gets too awkward; we may be mates but that doesn't mean that any semblance of social skills have returned to me.

His irises contain multiple yellow flecks that fade and glow intermittently, creating a sharp contrast with the green of his normal eyes, and his tight expression does nothing to hide that his wolf is not happy with not being in control: the wolf inside evidently doesn't like us.

That'll have to change. We aren't safe if he refuses to warm up to us, she warns, growling.

I hope so.

Isaac's heartbeat is frantic in his chest, although I'm unsure if it's caused by our proximity and the effects of the mate bond, or the fact he's running while carrying me.  Sleepiness swamps me and I give in to the sensation, drawing comfort from the safety of his arms. My eyes drift closed and I allow darkness to engulf me.


Harsh jolting awakens me, jerking me into consciousness. Alpha Isaac is sprinting towards a large house in the distance, a large pack of werewolves following behind. I glance at my leg to see Jack has done her work and fully healed it, ridding me of any remaining pain.

I shift slightly in his arms and he glances at me and passes me a small smile, breathing too hard to talk. I snuggle up to him, wanting to feel that protective warmth that surrounds him, surprised at the lack of resistance from my wolf.


We found mate.


Well what? What do you want me to say?

Why have you given me control?

You understand people and how to interact with them: I don't.

Yes you do.

No, I only know how to survive and kill, not social niceties.

And? Neither do I!

But you have a better idea than do. I'm a wolf, I am best at communicating through actions rather than words. I don't like it, but you are better suited to cope with this situation than me.


Alpha Isaac's voice snaps me out of conversation with Jack. I realise my eyes are shut and I open them again. We have arrived at the packhouse, the living quarters of the wolves that are part of this pack, a host of smells bombarding my nose, the noises of civilisation smothering my ears, causing me to flinch from it, the sensory input larger than I'm used to.

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