Chapter 28

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We have to be careful not to cross borders on our way through the forest; the Moonblood Pack, my old pack, have borders very close to this part of our territory, judging by the fact I recognise some parts of the landscape. We must not cross them unless we want to be attacked under the assumption we are rogues.

The sky is dark, the odd spot of rain falling on our heads, and the ground is soft under our paws while the trees in the forest canopy shake and shudder in the wind.

When we arrive at the body's location there is no one there, suggesting a trap. A bird sings an alarm call, and immediately we both have our defences up, standing back to back, preparing for a fight, our fangs bared, handing over control to our wolves.

There is a sound of laughter from behind a tree and Matthew steps out, dragging a pile of rags held together by a few threads, and he flings them towards us, forcing me to dodge out of the way. We recognise the scent on them at once: it's the Praetorian. Matthew killed the Praetorian.

Nate growls at him but Matthew merely grins, grins his insane smile.

"I thought you'd be happy I got rid of him. He was just a nusiance. Unnecessary, like you."

Nate is about to leap at him but Jack signals for him to wait.

Wait. He might trip up and give us some information which we can use against him.

Fine, but if he attacks you, I'm not letting him touch you without going down with a fight.

And the same for you.

"Did you really think I ever really liked you Isaac? You were an awful Alpha, always following rules, like they're going to save you now. And look, you brought you precious mate. Guess you'll be easier to take down than I thought. What's her name? Isobel Christian? No, it was Isobel Christen, a murderer. You should have turned her over to the Moonblood pack. Or did she keep you in the dark too?"

That's it.

Jack springs at him in fury but he dodges, not even bothering to shift into his wolf, making us collide with a tree trunk. We scramble to our feet, our head spinning from the impact, our balance now perilously decreased. Nate instantly jumps in front of us, trying to protect us from Matthew, his body shielding us from his gaze.

I'm going to talk to him.


I'm too late: he shifts.

"Stay away from her," he growls.

"Why? So she can murder someone else? No chance. She's under arrest for murder."

"Try and take her. See where it gets you."

Matthew just laughs and produces a small crossbow which he points at Isaac who quickly shifts, covering as much of our still wobbly body as possible.

Matthew fires and a crossbow bolt hits Isaac directly in the ribs, as he refuses to dodge, not deviating from his goal of protecting us, and he transforms back into a human, lying unconscious on the grass, out like a lightbulb. It must be some strain of wolf suppressant mixed with a sleeping drug or general anaesthetic.

Me and Jack are of the same mind, once again leaping for him and covering his naked body with ours. He fires again but we somehow dodge the projectile despite our dizziness, our paws struggling to keep us steady.

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