Chapter 12

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Susan enters with a large set of plastic bags in either hand and she places them on the ground, giving me an encouraging smile.

"I thought you would need more than Isaac's clothes sweetheart so I rooted around in my own wardrobe to see if I could find some things that would suit you. I know for a fact, if Isaac's clothes are not clean, they are therefore absolutely filthy."

I laugh quietly at her comment and thank her, ignoring Isaac's embarrassed growl. Susan leaves after a quick hello to my mate who still hasn't released me, and at this realisation I blush.

"Let me go."

"Fine." He grumbles but frees me from his arms.

I start to rummage through the bags. There is every sort of clothing I could ever need; trousers, skirts, t-shirts, sweaters, you name it, she bought it. She even brought bras and pants that are pretty close to my size, although how I don't know. All but a few of the clothing items still have price tags on them and I begin to put them in different piles, and Isaac gives me permission to put them in his closet, saying once again that everything that is his is mine now.

There is one bag which I haven't searched through yet and I carefully open it to see a pile of lingerie packets. Lacy bras and other highly sexualized clothing. I shiver. Ugh.
I would never have enough confidence to wear most of these but they're a gift from Isaac's mum so I can't throw them out. I sit there on the carpet for several seconds, torn between what to do with them, and my facial expression must illustrate my inner turmoil as Isaac reaches for my hand.

"What's in that bag Iz?"

I don't answer, unable to determine what to say, so I just take a packet and chuck it to him. He realises what it is and bursts out laughing, and I toss another packet at him, aiming at his face. This time he fails to catch it and it hits his cheek, making him yelp in complaint.

"What was that for?"

"You know what that was for. Be quiet and shut up," I growl but he refuses, and ends up clutching his stomach in pain as his laughing cuts off his oxygen supply. I smack the back of his head and that finally draws him out of his humour whining.

"Violent woman," he moans.

"Get over it," I say, laughing.

I collect up all the bags and move them to the closet; I can sort them out later.

"Iz? What do you want to do? You're not on your heat so we can do pretty much anything." I shrug, my mind currently focused on sorting out Susan's gifts.

"Just hang out. We've known each other for over two weeks and we still haven't hung out like a normal couple. There's always something that means one of us, usually me," I pass him a grin, "is uncomfortable in some way."

"So, we'll hang out in here then. Or do you want to go on a tour of the pack?"

"I want to stay here."

"I guess we're staying in bed the entire day then. Just don't blame me if you fall head over heels for me though."

"Is that so?" I smirk at him.

"Yes, it is so." He takes my hand and drags me under the covers. He lies down beside me then rolls over and leans on one elbow, gazing down at me.

"Iz, we need to talk about you."

"What about me?"

"Your father."

"No." My heart hammers inside my chest, my breathing increasing. "I can't Isaac, I can't." He strokes my hand soothingly with his spare one.

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