Chapter 18

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We both twist in mid air, trying to lock our jaws around the neck of the other. However, the force with which propelled our leaps makes us fly past eachother, hitting the ground.

Jack expertly lands on her paws, turning back to Nate in seconds, barely pausing for breath; Nate, on the other hand, has barely got to his feet by the time we are racing towards him.

She's about to spring again when she sees his position: side on, his back legs are in a position which makes it easy for him to grab our throat if we leap for his.

Just when we think he's going to stay in his position as we slow our approach, he suddenly lunges for us and we are forced to dodge. He twists round and snaps at our throat. However, his size works against him, and he aims too high, leaving his throat exposed. Jack snaps at Nate's neck but he jerks back in time, growling.

It's on.

She immediately presses the offensive, snapping and lunging for his legs, the easiest place to reach, dodging his numerous attacks. Neither of us have drawn blood yet but it's only a matter of time.

We nearly over reach in our lunge and Nate seizes the opportunity to grab at our neck but we roll out of the way in time. Jack leaps onto his neck, our jaws locking around his scruff. He shakes his head, dislodging us and we fall to the ground.

Nearly had him.

Remember we are not trying to kill him.

I know. This fight would be quicker if we were.

We keep rolling, dodging his flurry of attacks, eventually getting the opportunity to scramble onto our feet. She spins round, snarling, and immediately springs.

Time slows as we soar through the air. I can see the crowd's heads turn to follow our movement, Nate start to attempt to dodge as she comes down on him. The silence is deafening.

Everything suddenly speeds up, and Jack twists in the air, her jaws settling around his throat, not deep enough to cut through the skin, but enough to show we've won.

We stand there in the shocked silence, our body panting with exertion.

Can you release me please?

She lets him go and we both slump to the floor, exhausted.

Good job.


We should probably go change. Come on.

Nate takes the lead and we stumble after him until we're out of sight of on lookers and there is a large murmuring that springs up behind us but we ignore it, tiredly shifting and changing into our clothes.

Jack hands me control, as Nate does with Isaac, and we stagger slightly.

"Iz, are you okay after that?"

"Yeah, I'm good. You?"

"Never better." He replies, laughing.

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