Chapter 37

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It takes us most of the next day to reach the coven and I realise that Isaac was right; pregnancy, however early on I am, is having an effect on my strength. I'm exhausted and Nate has to frequently slow down just to allow me to catch up.

His large size doesn't help, his strides are much longer than my own, meaning I have to work twice as hard as normal to keep up. Isaac tries to go at a gentle pace to make it easier on me, but he often overtakes me accidentally and has to stop to let me rest. After hours of this, our destination is in sight.

We approach the coven gates but draw to a halt when someone drops from the ramparts, landing in front of us.

"State your names and business."

It's a female's voice, but it is hard to tell it was her speaking as there is a large black cloak covering her features.

"Alpha Isaac and Luna Isobel of the Dawnguard Pack. We - "

The witch lowers her hood and Isaac shuts up.


"It's been a while hasn't it Alpha?"

She conjoures some clothes for us, tossing them to us.

"I'm not having you two walking naked through my coven. Have some decency Alpha." She patiently waits for us to dress then beckons for us to follow her. "Come to my office. No doubt we have much to discuss, specifically why you are so far from your pack."


We are both seated in front of Gillian's desk as she surveys us with her dark eyes, waiting for one of us to start the conversation, to explain our presence. There is a knock on the door.

"Come in."

A man in a hoodie enters, the hood obscuring his face but I'd recognise his scent anywhere.


As one, me and Jack snarl, our claws starting to come out and we pounce, punching his body with as much force as possible, Jack now having full control.

Punch after punch we throw at his face, each one landing, fury making us faster than his dodging skills. Fucking traitor.

"We trusted you," I say between each punch. "And you betrayed us!" He opens his mouth to speak and I punch him again.

"It." Punch. "Wasn't." Punch. "Me." Punch. I suddenly feel comprehension through the bond from Isaac and Nate as I continue to beat Matthew up. Throwing an uppercut under his chin, he howls as his head flies back, but our human form's strength is not quite enough to snap the bastard's neck.

"Iz, get off him," Isaac orders.

"He deserves this." I know Matthew is just healing after each punch but I keep pummelling him, no longer caring, only wanting to inflict as much damage as possible on the person who hurt us, who hurt our mate.

"Iz, stop," Isaac growls. I ignore him, continually punching Matthew.

He sighs and his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me off Matthew but I fight him, struggling and writhing in his grasp.

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