Chapter 19

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He allows me to lead the way back, going slowly to allow Carrie to keep up, her face scrunched up in thought.

"What pack is this?" She finally asks.

I open my mouth to speak but Isaac replies for me.

"Dawnguard Pack."

She looks up at the pair of us, her eyes confident now that she knows where she is, but her grip tightens on our hands as we come into view of the packhouse. I stop and kneel beside her.

"What's wrong Carrie?"

"I'm scared."

"Of what?" I ask.

"The other cubs. They will hate me."

"They won't Carrie. And if they do, treat them with kindness. Only by doing that, will you gain friends. If there's a problem, come and talk to us and we'll sort it out, okay sweetie?"

She gives me a small nod and I offer her a smile, which she returns. It's an odd smile for a child: not toothy but made purely from the lips. I suppress a shiver.

We continue to walk towards the pack house where a group of cubs are playing outside. They stop when they see us and survey us, clearly unsure of who me and Carrie are. Isaac introduces us.

"Kids, this is my mate and your Luna, Isobel. The other young lady beside me is Carrie."

"Hello," they chorus in clamouring unison, some of them giving us a small wave.

I proffer a smile and they cheerfully return it; I love the pack cubs already.

A brown eyed woman wearing bright neon orange trainers stands nearby, keeping watch over the children, and Isaac beckons her over, the light causing her footwear's flow to become somewhat blinding. She looks slightly suspicious of me and I realise Carrie is staring at the woman. No doubt she's a bit overwhelmed.

I give Carrie a gentle nudge towards a girl of her own age, not quite sure how to keep her occupied.

"Go play sweetheart. We'll be right here."

She glances at me one more time, then steps up to the young girl. Within seconds they are chatting away like old friends and I relax; she's occupied. Now me and Isaac can talk to the unfamiliar blonde woman without fear of being overhead.


"Alpha," she replies, giving him a respectful nod, flashing me a small smile. "It's an honour to meet you Luna. I am Gwen Williams, one the Pack's ambassadors to Scotland."

"Ambassador? No disrespect intended, but why?"

"I can't take the long journey to Scotland all the time. It's too far away and too long from the pack; I can't leave them alone for that length of time even if I do have Xander to take control while I'm gone," Isaac explains.

"It helps I speak Scottish." She smiles. "It means I can communicate with the more isolated communities in their native language which generally makes them happier to offer help when we need it. I also met my mate in a Scottish pack so we go back to visit whenever we can."

"That sounds lovely." I realise I still haven't introduced myself to her. "I should have said earlier. I'm Isobel Christen, Isaac's mate." I offer her my hand which she gives a quick shake then releases.

We should get going Iz.

"You can trust the child with me; I've babysitted most of them when they were younger so they know me pretty well."

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