Chapter 35

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Isobel's POV
We go hunting that morning, trying to lose ourselves in nature, make ourselves forget Isaac, forget the hole in our heart, forget we ever had a mate. Alas, we can't. If anything our thoughts do nothing but focus on him, fixated on his image, his scent, the sound of his voice, his gentle touch on our hand.

Everything about him we remember, everything unforgettable. I keep walking into the woods, allowing sobs to rack my body, most likely scaring away any animals Jack wants to hunt. But neither of us care.

The trees' rustle that was once a comforting sound, reminding us we were safe, reminding us we were still free; however, now it's just another reminder of the silence without him, the quiet of his bedroom, the scent of pinecones a poor replacement for his minty smell. A rabbit bounds out of the woods ahead of us but we make no move to catch it, too absorbed in memories of Isaac.

There is a sudden rustle to the left of us, downwind, like a predator stalking us. We whisk round to see nothing, neither predator or prey. I realise all the animals have gone silent, the birds have stopped singing. The only noise is the trees swaying in the wind. The sound of the wind whistling is strong in my ears, blocking out all other sounds that could warn me of the predator's intentions.

I don't care though. Isaac is all I had in my life, the only thing that was worth living for. And now he's gone.

There is a growl behind me and I swing round to see nothing. Then another. And another growl. Echoing from every direction, hammering themselves into my head and we subconsciously shift into our wolf. A werewolf steps out of the woods. Rogue. A male. He snarls but I ignore him. If he's going to kill me, I'm not going to stop him; I don't care.

Another wolf approaches behind me, snapping at my heels. We still don't resist, allowing them to attack us. The one in front pounces and Jack forces us to dodge, attaching herself to his neck and biting through the major arteries. The other rogue attacks but we barely move, facing him head on. If this is life, I don't it.

The rogue is moments from colliding with me when a huge beast appears from the trees and throws it into a tree, standing in front of me protectively. The rogue tries to rise but the beast pounces, killing it with a quick efficient snap of the neck. A sudden wave of recognition sweeps over me. It's Isaac. Trying to talk to him mentally will never work; he undoubtedly already hears voices in his head. I have to talk aloud and I shift.

"Isaac?" Its head swings round at his name.


It gives a small nod and lopes towards me, stopping a few steps from me. He shifts and stands on the spot, staring at me but there is something in his eyes, something dark, crazed even.

"Iz?" I nod mutely. He raises his hands to cradle my face, then lowers them. "No, I'm hallucinating it. This is just my imagination. This isn't real." He backs away, shaking, burying his head in his hands. "No, this isn't real. This is all in my head. In my head. In my head." He bursts into insane laughter, his eyes retaining their mad look. "In my head, in my head, in my head ..." he trails off, mumbling the same phrase under his breath, and starting to walk away from me, forcing me to run after him.

"Isaac? It's me. Please listen to me. It's me, it's Isobel." I'm nearly sobbing. I've dreamt of finding him for so long, only that when I do in reality, he's started to go insane, he no longer trusts his own eyes.

"No, you're a figment of my imagination. You're not real!" I take a step towards him but he backs away. "Stay back! Stop it! No, shut up!" He clutches his head, falling to his knees. "Shut up! You're lying!" I know the last part is most likely addressed to Nate, not me, but that doesn't stop it hurting. The sight is pitiful. I keep stepping towards him and lay a hand in his shoulder, causing him to flinch horribly.

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