Chapter 30

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We are woken the next morning by the slam of the cell door and I snap into consciousness, shifting, only to wince in pain as the cuffs dig in. We survey our surroundings, our body tensed, ready to dodge an attack.


That voice ... I recognise it. I start to shift but a hand on my shoulder stops me.

"Don't Isobel. I'm not sure the guy next door would be happy with me seeing you naked."

"No I wouldn't." I hear Isaac say through the wall.

I look at the unfamiliar speaker and realise who it is. Eddie. My childhood friend.

Him being a year younger than me didn't stop us becoming close friends. So many times he saved me from my father's beatings, taking me to places such as the human's local cinema which was somehow still open, places I could never have gone without my father's permission, which he never gave. Memories of us sneaking out late at night together come to the forefront of my mind.

Until I turned eleven. One day my father found out; he had never punished me so badly before. I could barely walk the next day from the amount of damage he inflicted. I didn't see Eddie near my house again.

He unlocks the chains and tosses me some clothes.

"Wear these so we can talk." Eddie turns around and I quickly shift and change into the clothes.

"Okay, you can turn around. Why are you here Eddie?"

"I became a guard. I'm supposed to take you to your trial. But we have a little time to talk before that."

My thoughts instantly flick to Isaac.

"Can you help Isaac? He's injured pretty badly."

"The quarrel in his leg, right?" I nod. "Can he heal?"


"I'm sorry Isaac, I can't take it out as I don't know how deep it's gone. If I remove it, then you could bleed to death as you can't heal."

"It's fine. I'll just remove it myself later," he says, giving me a surprisingly cheerful smile.

"We need to talk about you Eddie. Why did I never see you around?"

"My parents locked my door and windows at night, and had cameras installed. I couldn't have talked to you without both of us getting caught. I'm sorry Isobel."

"I understand. But why didn't your parents believe me after Jack - You know?"

"Isobel, I was the only person who you told about your father. I was only 18 at the time and both of us were unmated so they just assumed I was defending you because they thought I liked you. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I know it wasn't your fault. How have you been though?"

"I found my mate Isobel. He's everything I wanted my mate to be. He's kind, caring, honest, loves me -"

I hold up my hand for him to stop, laughing.

"I think we get the idea Eddie. You love your mate."

"Yep." He glances at his watch and swears under his breath. "Isobel, we need to go or they'll know something's up." Eddie pulls my arms behind my back and clips on a pair of silver handcuffs, unlocking the cell door.

"Iz, wait!" Isaac calls out and I stop, turning back to him. "Don't plead guilty. I don't matter. You don't deserve what will happen to you if you get convicted. Please don't plead guilty."

"And I can't lose you Isaac."

"Isobel Christen, I refuse to let you do this," he growls. "I'm not losing you."

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