Chapter 3

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Voices. Human voices. At once, Jack snaps into alertness, her body tensing, eyes scanning for danger. The voices are still outside the cave, no one has entered yet so we have brief time left to plan our escape.

We have to get out of here.

Kill them.

No, wait! We should check for a back exit to use. We don't need to kill them.

There is not another entrance. Do you really think they would have left us in here if they though we could escape. They know we're in here. No, we have to fight.

No, we d-

She blocks me out and releases a fearsome growl. The voices outside go silent and several loud growls are heard aimed back at us. She prepares to fight them, the large amount of space in the cave granting us the ability to move and therefore, fight effectively. She'll be able to take them out easily.

A werewolf enters the cave, blocking out the light, a growl deep in their throat. It's a male, judging by the broadness of the face and blockiness of the muzzle. He snarls and leaps for us. Jack dodges and, with an attack honed from frequent use, brings her teeth down on his neck and tears open his throat, killing him.


Blood spurts from the ruptured artery, coating the ground, the horrific stench filling the air. A second and third wolf enter the cave, one male, one female, but before either of them can attack, Jack goes on the offensive, pouncing on the female and slashing a rib as the she-wolf attempts to evade her. Turning to the male wolf, Jack seizes his neck and jerks her head, snapping his spine, causing a loud crack to echo around the cave.

The other wolf quickly recovers and springs and we dodge but, lacking the space to move as much as we must, she manages to latch onto our leg, deep enough to slice through the skin but not quite enough to cut through the muscle.

Writhing, we try to dislodge her but she clings on stubbornly, refusing to release us and we are forced to stop struggling; if she continues to hold onto us, she will bite through the muscle, preventing us from standing easily.

We could heal the wound if that happened, but that will take vital time, time we don't have. Only one path remains open to us. Time to play weak and feeble. It's a risky strategy as there is a chance that she will go straight for our vulnerable neck but it's a risk we'll have to take.

Jack lowers her head as if in submission and, surprised, the she-wolf let's go. Using the lowered position of the female's head, Jack grabs her neck from behind and pulls.

Too hard.

The head comes flying off, flying to the opposite side of the cave, and the corpse slowly sinks to the floor as if the owner is still in shock over her own death, crimson liquid dribbling from the hole where her throat once was, dripping over her legs. Bone protrudes from the mangled carcass, curiously pale against the scarlet muscle, and blood now thoroughly coats my fur, the ground slick with it, causing a mental grimace, the blood's scent nauseating.



Another two wolves enter the cave, the rising sun shining like a golden halo behind them, and one immediately catches my eye; he is truly massive, almost double the height of the other one, every ounce of its body rippling with pure muscle.

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