Chapter 29

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Isobel's POV
It's been a few hours I think since my consciousness has started to return. I notice that my body has shifted back to my human form, although how, I do not know.

I shifted us back as the cuffs are too tight for legs when in wolf form.

Good thinking.

Our body struggles to fully comprehend consciousness and I am forced to wait for my body to come round but my mind quickly sinks back into darkness.

Iz wake up! You need to get up. Now!

I can't.

I am vaguely aware of my body being shifted, thrown on the floor and sparks shoot through my body. Isaac. He must have escaped for us to be together. I can feel him pull me closer to his body. I attempt to move, to tell him that I'm awake but my limbs will not obey my commands, staying stubbornly limp.

My ears begin to work again, and I can hear Matthew threatening Isaac. The traitorous son of a bitch. I wish Isaac had escaped; it would have been better that way. He suddenly howls in pain and the sparks are gone, replaced by a burning sensation on the front of my neck that quickly becomes painful, causing me to stir; the panic in Isaac's voice is audible as he begs him for mercy and the knife disappears from my neck.

My body is dragged along the floor and there is a sound of padlocks and cell doors being opened but I still cannot open my eyes. There is a burning sensation on my wrists and ankles. Silver cuffs. Nothing else could cause this.

"Right, time to get up."


Mathew harshly jabs a needle into my left arm, and I wince from the unnecessary force. I quickly regain consciousness, my eyes fluttering but Jack forces them to remain closed, taking control of our body.

"I know you're awake. You can't lie to me."

We continue with our façade, pretending we are unconscious.

"I know you can hear me. But if you won't respond, there's only one way to make you. I'll just go fetch Isaac. "

No! I'm not letting Isaac get hurt for my sake. I instantly snap upright and tell for him to wait.

"I'm awake! Leave him alone."

He ignores me and goes out the cell. There is the sounds of a furious snarl next door and a sharp cry of pain from Isaac and I can't help pulling at my chains. I know they're cutting through my flesh, burning my skin, but I don't care, only able to focus on the agony coming from Isaac through the mate bond.


He does not, cannot, respond to my mental shout. The effects of the wolf suppressant must still be active. Matthew returns, dragging a barely conscious Isaac behind him, his eyes unfocused.

Jack grabs control and launches herself at him, the chains pulling us back just inches from the hand holding Isaac up. She snarls at him, starting to shift, not caring that the cuffs are digging into our limbs, only that we can reach him if we are in our wolf form.

"Shift back."

Our answer is a low growl. He pulls out his crossbow and aims it at Isaac, firing and sending the quarrel through his leg. Isaac snarls, his face contorted in agony, one clawed hand carving bloody furrows into Matthew's arm and I feel a spasm of pain leaking through the bond that accompanies the already throbbing ache from Isaac's arm.

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