Chapter 24

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She ignores me.

"Iz ..."

She slowly moves off the bed and attempts to stand but stumbles and falls, causing me to catch her in my arms.

"Can you walk?"

She shakes her head, refusing to meet my gaze, so I scoop her up in my arms and carry her bridal style.

The walk home is spent in silence, neither of us saying anything. When we reach the Alpha quarters in the packhouse, I set her down on the bed.

"Please Iz. Say something."

Tears prick her eyes and she hastily wipes them away, clearly trying to hold it together.

"I'm fine."

I take her hand, seating myself next to her.

"You're not."

"I said I'm FINE."

I sigh and am about to release her hand when she breaks down, giving up the façade of being okay. I cradle her face in my hands and gently wipe away her tears with my thumb.

"It's okay Iz. Everything's going to be okay. You're safe."

"I'm s-sorry for ignoring you."

"You were stressed."

"That's no excuse," she retorts.

"It is in this instance. You had every right to be mad at me. I failed you again."

She shakes in my arms and I kiss her forehead, feeling her calm down and relax under my touch.

"I forgive you. How long will it take for the wolf suppressant to wear off?" She whispers.

"About another day more, maybe less. I miss Jack."

"Isaac, she just reminded me: my third heat is coming soon isn't it?"

Dammit. I forgot about that.

"Yeah, it is. How do you want to deal with it this time?"

"The dancing seemed to work last time. And this time should be the last one, right?" Iz asks hopefully.

"If you get pregnant."

"Do you want kids Isaac?"

"Yes. And I think you'd be a great mother. Seeing you interact with Carrie, even if she isn't the child she claims to be, made that very clear to me. But only if you want kids."

"I do."

"Then we don't need to worry about the heat. Just make sure you're with me when it starts."

I gently kiss her forehead again, resting my chin on her head, pulling her to me.

"We'll be okay."

"I know." She replies quietly.

"What do you want to do now? We've got all day."

"Don't you have Alpha stuff to do?"



"Don't lie to me. I know you do." I give up lying.

"You're right, I do."

"Can I help you with it?"

"No, you're my mate, not my servant. And you just came out of hospital; you should be resting."

"I need something to distract me from this. From everything that happened."

"Only if you're happy with it. And I'm not letting you tire yourself out alright?"

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