Chapter 41

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Unconsciousness brings little relief or protection from the memories; now we can't even try to block them out.

We spend what feels like hours trapped in the dark crevices of our mind, powerless to do anything but replay past events over and over, unable to hinder or forget their presence.

No. Please. Stop. Stop. Stop.

Make it stop.

Jack's mind has never been more isolated; she can't hear me, she doesn't remember she's not alone. Tall barricades and walls surround her mind, blocking off all communication between us, walls that I know are there despite the absolute darkness.

I have never felt so alone in my own mind.

Jack. Please. Let me in. I need to hear your voice.

Stumbling forwards into the dark, I force myself to face the memories that oppose me. Again and again, my father's images confronts me, each ounce of pain he brought me felt through every fibre of my being.

The walls are so close, but they show no sign of lowering for me, as cold and tall as ever.


My voice echoes in the silence, reverberating off the walls and barricades.

Jack? Please answer me.

She is unresponsive, no sound greeting my ears except the suffocating darkness and my father's voice, getting closer and closer. I pound on the stone walls in panic, hearing steps approaching.

Let me in Jack! Please! I need your help!

She still does not reply.

The footsteps are much closer now, and I spin round, trying to pick out the source from my nie on impenetrable surroundings.

There is a small patch of darkness darker than the rest that slowly morphs into a distinct shape.

A wolf.

As they near, their features become clearer and I gasp in shock; it's Jack. Yet how, I do not know. She's barricaded behind the walls my back is pressed against. I cannot trust this figure.

The wolf's ears prick up upon sighting me, trotting towards me with a certain eagerness.


The wolf nods, relief evident in her eyes but I still do not let my guard down, not trusting my senses.


How did you get here? I thought you were behind these walls.

The walls aren't surrounding my mind or yours. Rather, they surround memories, memories that you would be happier not seeing.

Hesitant, I seat myself cross-legged on the ground, allowing Jack to approach me and she bounds forwards, giving my face a small lick before settling beside me, head on my lap.

Jack, what is behind them?

Memories I do not want you to see.

Why not?

They ... How much of the night I killed our father do you remember?

It's a blur. I remember us fleeing from the house. I don't really remember anything after you took control.

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