Chapter 13

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He leads us back to his bedroom and he closes the door behind us.


We shift back and I self-consciously cover myself but he's already turned around and chucked some clothes at me; gratefully, I change into them and I give him a nudge indicating it's alright to look, only to have him whisk around and end up so close to me that I take a step backwards. And another. And another. And another until I am backed up against the wall, his hands pinning my wrists at my sides.

Yellow eyes. Nate is in control.

Please Nate. Don't hurt us.

His eyes bore into mine, staring into my soul. Isaac suddenly growls and releases my wrists, punching the wall beside my head, causing me to flinch in fear. His face softens and he caresses my face.

What? We'd never hurt you.

"I'm sorry Iz. I didn't mean to frighten you: I wasn't thinking."

"It's okay," I say, my voice shaky in response to his sudden outburst.

"What are you doing to me Iz?" He asks, talking more to himself than me.

"I-Isaac?" He rests his head on my shoulder, his hands falling to his sides.

"I can't get you out of my head, you've ingrained yourself in it. Every time I wake up I always have a moment of panic when I think you've gone and left me. I can never stop thinking about you."

He walks into the bathroom and I see him standing in front of the sink, head down, fury etched all over his features. I step over to him and gently touch his shoulder.

"Isaac, what is it?"

"It's nothing." He twists and buries his face in my neck, inhaling my scent to calm himself. "I just want to protect the pair of you but I can't do that if you keep rushing into fights."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be Iz. I can't keep you cooped up. I can't ban Jack from attacking people who are attacking us. I'm just worried for your safety because I'm your mate."

"Thank you for being honest Isaac." He offers me an unsteady smile and clasps my hand in his.

"We should go to sleep."

"It's not that late."

"But we got next to no sleep last night."


He pulls me to the bed and under the covers.

"Iz, are you going to sleep in your clothing or in some of the posh 'nightwear' my mother bought you?" I laugh, understanding what he's no doubt referring to; of course his first thoughts stray to that.

"I don't think it's that posh. Exposing, yes; posh, no."

I rummage through the bags but find no nightwear. The only thing I could wear that vaguely resembles nightwear is a dress thing made of a netting material which clings to my figure, accentuating my curves or lack thereof. The only issue is I'll have to wear a bra under it to maintain some vague sense of modesty.

Sighing, I enter the bathroom and change into the wretched thing. When I step out, Isaac's eyes instantly latch onto me, following my every movement as I clamber into bed beside him. He smiles to himself and his eyes darken. I look at him in confusion; what I'm wearing isn't that provocative.

I glance down briefly and realise why: the underwear I put on earlier is lingerie. No wonder he's acting so weirdly. I guess that's pretty provocative. I self-consciously roll over and cover myself, disliking how exposed I am. He chuckles and I blush under his heated glance.

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