1,666 Years ago

16 1 0

Unknown POV
The guards have realised that I'm weakened, that I can't escape, and they have taken full advantage of it, their bullying starting to stray over the edge. Resisting is futile; it just makes the suffering worse, and they just crank up the pain inflicted afterwards.

Everyday, I stare up at the ceiling of my freezing cell, my bare feet icey against the stone floor and my fingers can't stop shaking from constant, unabating fear that they will come back and subject me to the torture I so dread; for them it is entertainment, the sadistic bastards.

Shivering is a part of life here, if this can even be called life. I'm not sure if living in the biting cold while being denied freedom and being repeatedly tortured is life any more. My screams of agony echo throughout the corridors most days, always ignored or even encouraged by the guards. They don't care about me. They have no reason to. They're all sadists.

I don't want their pity nor their help, just for them to leave me alone; I would rather be left here to die than be broken by torture.

Mother would be proud of me. I haven't given in, haven't given up on her, merely postponed our time together. This is just a set back.

I keep reassuring myself of this, but I can feel hope slipping away and with it any hope of freedom or of being reunited with her. Escape is the only way to fix this wrong, this injustice to me, to her.

I've tried to escape numerous times but each time, the punishments they use to rein me in become harsher, more agonising, more unbearable. It's only a matter of time until I snap.

They have imprisoned me down here so long that I'm starting to struggle imagining what the Overworld looked like. Not that it matters anymore. I don't know how long I've been down here, all I know is a significant amount of time has passed; undoubtably, the Overworld is very different to what I remember. But it doesn't matter. I need to escape this place.


I know this chapter isn't very long *coughs* very short *coughs*.

It's only supposed to be a reminder of the person in the Prologue. They will be very important later on in the book.



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