Chapter 15

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Me, Isaac, Nate and Jack spend the rest of the morning trying to come up with alternate solutions to the one Jack offered but all them are either immediately discounted as they just don't work or are too complicated or involve too many people. There is one solution which neither of us likes: to say the truth, to say that I'm the rogue he went to hunt down.

"We're not doing that one unless we have no choice. If we do then you'll be punished for your crimes. I'm not losing you to that," is Isaac's only response when I suggest this course of action.

His hand slides over mine and I turn it over so we are palm to palm, hands clasped. I sigh in exasperation but accept that we should take a break. "We've been at it all morning Isaac. Doing this even longer will just make everyone more suspicious."

"What should we do then?"

"Nothing. Doing something gives the rumours and suspicions credence. It also makes it appear as if we're hiding something. Doing nothing suggests they are below our notice and false."

"What would I do without you Iz?"

"Go insane."

"True. An alpha without his mate goes mad overtime unless the mate returns to them." He says, serious.

"Oh. Remind me to never leave you again then," I promise.

"And I'll never leave you. Promise."

"Pinky swear?" I say with a grin, abandoning all sense of maturity.

"Pinky swear." He goes to take my little finger then pulls me in for a tight hug, burying his face in my neck, inhaling my scent. "I love you Iz. I would never hurt you."

"Y - you love me?"

"Of course I do. Everything about you. The good and the bad." He draws away and stares me straight in the eye, proving he means it, he's being sincere. More sincere than I am. I still struggle to trust him even though he has done all he can to make amends for the one time he did betray it. He confessed he was in the wrong. And we don't have the courage to do the same.  

"Wow, I - Wow." I stumble over my words, struggling to combine my thoughts and my speech into something coherent. He laughs slightly at my reaction.

All I can think of is my father; he said he loved me before my mother died but then he beat me after.

"You really mean it? You really love me? No matter what?" I need to confirm that what he says is heartfelt, that he's not going to suddenly do a u-turn and go back on his promise. That he won't betray my trust again.

"Really Iz, no matter what."  

"I - I love you too." And I mean it. I love Isaac. I love my mate.

"I know." He hugs me tighter.

Me too. If this is love, I love our mate somewhat at least. It seems we can agree on one thing.

I let out a small smile at that. I suddenly realise he's hugging me so tightly I am finding it difficult to breathe. Or maybe it's just his proximity affecting me. Either way, I want to live so I hammer on his back until he releases me and I gasp for air. He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck.


"No, it's fine." I laugh, patting his arm.

My mark throbs slightly and I clutch at it, wincing.

"Iz? You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. My mark just throbbed."

"You do know what that means, right?"

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