Chapter 25c

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This is 25c as it was created during editing and I was too lazy to re-number all the remaining chapters. :)

"I wish we could just hang out like a normal couple. Stuff always happens and gets in the way and we end up never just ... relax," I sigh. Me and Isaac are sitting on his bed, both of us unused to having free time that isn't overshadowed by one worry or another.

"What do you want to do the? Watch a movie, sleep, eat, I don't know what else ..." He trails off.

"A movie will be fine. But where's the TV?"


Isaac walks over to the wall opposite to the bed and presses on a certain spot; a part of the wall pops out and he hooks his fingers under it, flipping it like a garage door, revealing a TV screen in the wall. He pulls a remote from behind it and sits on the bed, pulling me beside him, our backs to the headboard. Isaac switches on the TV and gives me a casual grin as I watch on with awe.

"That was so cool! Why didn't you tell me about that before?"

"You're such a kid. And you never asked." I playfully glare at him. "What do you want to watch?"

"What do you have?"

"A lot of films. Some might say too many." He scrolls through the movie list. "There's the Notebook."


"It's a good movie!" He protests.

"Too sad."

"True. The ending gets me every time. Bridget Jones Diary?"

"No. What about The Dark Knight? I love superhero movies."

"Sure, if that's what you want."

Isaac clicks on the film and it begins to play, soon hooking us into the world of vigilantes, villains and moral ambiguity, and I thoroughly enjoy it, following the events of the movie with avid eyes.

However, the film must eventually end and I lean against his shoulder, tiredness overtaking me.

"That was fun," I comment.

"It was indeed," he replies but his expression goes serious and he sighs.

"Iz, I'm sorry to ruin the moment but there's something I need to talk to you about." Nervously, he rubs his neck, refusing to meet my questioning gaze. "You might want to sit down."

"Alright," I say, seating myself on the couch again. "Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong Iz. I've just been putting off telling you this ..." He trails off.

"What have you - " I am cut off by the throbbing of my mark and I suppress a whine, touching it lightly with my hand. It's burning hot against my skin. Isaac notices immediately.

"I guess your third heat is coming," he states, his voice tinged with frustration. He gives me a small sniff. "Your scent's changed."

We're going to be okay Iz.

I know. We have Isaac.

"You shouldn't think of me so highly," he says, slightly bemused.

"Well I do. So get used to it," I laugh and, through the bond, I feel him relax although his shoulders are still tense.

"What's the plan this time? Dancing? Bath? Get laid?" He gives me a smirk at the last one and I playfully smack his chest.

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